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Requested by @Elf_girl2007  

*spoilers for The Poison Jungle*

Cricket was heartbroken. She couldn't believe she left Blue back on her continent. And now, he was under the Othermind's control. And it was her fault. She stayed up many nights, crying until her throat was sore, or until she fell asleep. She wished she could turn back time, but it was scientifically impossible. There was no way you could turn back time unless you somehow found a hole in the space-time continuum. Or if she could have teleported, but again, physically impossible. All the molecules in your body would have to move so fast it would disintegrate-that wasn't the point. Cricket smiled faintly. She could almost imagine Sundew scolding her, and Blue wanting to listen to her every word. The thought of Blue made her eyes water.

Oh, Blue, Cricket thought, I love you.

"I'm sorry." Cricket whispered, and let her tears fall once more.

A/N: Ahhh! It's super short, and I'm sorry. I wanted to update before Christmas, and I've been procrastinating. Sorry. I'll maybe update again before Christmas, but I can't guarantee anything. Also, I'm out of requests! Please request more! Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you're celebrating!

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