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A/N: Requested by @WeLovePigs 

Clay was tired. He had spent a long day teaching, and it always drained the energy out of him. But, when he remembered that Peril had something she had to tell him, he felt a new rush of energy. He loved seeing Peril. He loved talking to her, and spending time with her. They were now married, and Clay couldn't be happier.

That is, until he found out something that night.

He had met Peril at their cave in Jade Mountain. She still lived there, even though she had graduated, because she and Clay shared a cave.

When Clay got things cave, he saw Peril in there, fidgeting with her claws.

She brightened slightly when Clay had walked in, but he could still tell that she was nervous.

"Hey, Peril." He greeted her. "How are you?"

"I-I'm good." she stuttered. "How was your day?" she asked.

"Normal." Clay replied. He walked to her side and wrapped a wing around her. "You said you wanted to tell me something?"

"Yeah." Peril replied. She looked at the ground, and took in a shaky breath, then exhaled.

"What's wrong, Peril?" Clay asked nervously.

"You love me, right?" She asked.

"Of course I do!" Clay replied.

"And I love you." Peril replied.

Clay smiled. "I would hope so."

Peril smiled. "Your going to be a father." she whispered.

Clay stepped back, bewildered. A father? Me? "Really?"

"I hope your okay with this. I mean, I am, but please don't hate me." Peril blurted.

"It's perfectly fine." Clay replied soothingly. "Just like you."

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