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A/N: Requested by @Moonbli7488

~Sunny's POV~

As princess of the Sand Kingdom, Sunny was expected to get to know the citizens in the Kingdom, and know her way around, and that was exactly what she was doing. She liked getting to know dragons, and how different all of them were. She was currently in the town of Possibility, and was going to the different shops in the town. There was such a wide variety of dragons, and Sunny thought it was great that there were dragons from all tribes living in one town, and in peace.

Well, almost in peace.

Sunny saw a fight between a SandWing and an IceWing over a plant at a shop that Sunny had just been to.

"That's my plant!" The IceWing yelled.

"Well, I bought it!" The SandWing yelled back.

A SandWing who was in another building came out, and stood between the two dragons. He looked to be about Sunny's age, and was quite handsome from what Sunny could see.

"Hey," he said. "Stop fighting."

"Why should we listen to you?" The IceWing snapped.

"Because fighting is wrong." Sunny said, walking to the group.

"Princess Sunny!" The SandWing gasped, bowing to her.

"No, get up, you don't have to bow." Sunny said. "Let's try to resolve this issue. Now, what are your names?"

"I'm Horus." The SandWing said.

"Polar." The IceWing grunted.

"Now, Polar, Horus, what's the issue?" Sunny said.

"That plant is mine. I lost it a few days ago, my pet scavenger ran off with it, and he came back without it." Polar replied.

"Now, Horus, you bought the plant, correct?" Sunny asked.

"Yes." Horus said.

"Well," The SandWing said. "What if we were to cut off a part of the plant so that Polar here could keep his plant, and Horus can have a part of the plant for him to grow, and in the end—"

"Both of them get the plant." Sunny finished.

"Yeah." The SandWing said.

"What do you two think?" Sunny asked.

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Princess." Horus said.

"Fine." Polar grumbled.

"Great!" Sunny said. "Nice meeting the both of you. Now, I'd best be going. I don't want my mother tearing down this town to come and find me."

"Good meeting you too!" Horus called.

As Sunny was walking away from the pair, the SandWing walked up to her. "So, um, I don't know about you, but I think that you handled that situation perfectly."

"I just did what I thought was right." Sunny replied. "You did great too." She couldn't believe that the SandWing was talking to her!

"Thanks." He said with a blush. "So, the real reason I wanted to talk to you was I was wondering if you would go on a date with me, because I think that you're beautiful and I would love to get to know you. I'm Meerkat by the way."

"That sounds great!" Sunny said Yes! She screamed internally.

"When would work for you?" Meerkat asked.

"Uh, I'm going to be here for the next few weeks, so anytime works for me." Sunny replied.

"Um... how about in two days, sundown." Meerkat said.

"That sounds great!" Sunny said.

"Well, I got to go now," Meerkat said. "See you!"

"Bye!" Sunny said. She watched him walk away, completely lost in thought. She couldn't believe it! She was going on a date.

She walked back to the hut she was staying in, a cheeky smile on her face, and Thorn was there, and gave Sunny a weird look.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

"No reason." Sunny replied.

"Uh-huh." Thorn said. "Tell me."

"Okay," Sunny said. "Well, I'm going on a date in a few days with—"

"YOU'RE WHAT?" Thorn roared.

Oh shoot.

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