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Hi everyone who is reading this! This is just a oneshot for a contest, but I'm considering making it a real book. Vote and comment if you want to make it a real book, let's say... 10 votes and I'll continue the series. Thx for reading! (artwork belongs to Biohazardia)


My name is Açai. I am an 6- year old LeafWing. Or PoisonWing, according to the other LeafWings. We call them SapWings because of how lazy they are. However a few weeks ago, we had to start working together. With a HiveWing and a couple of SilkWings too! A few weeks ago, my life changed. LeafWings came out of hiding, and started another... I don't exactly know what it was. A battle? A war? A battle with brainwashed HiveWings? Anyway, a insane LeafWing took over Pantala, and I'm not glad to say it was a PoisonWing. Now we have to flee to another continent. Apparently, it was the continent that Clearsight came from.
We were flying as fast as our wings could, but we had no idea where Pyhrria was, except for a couple of weird-looking dragons who could swim really fast in the water.

After a few days, however, when everyone was panting and exhausted, we finally saw a speck of land. I pumped up my wings and flew as fast as my tired body would, and after a couple minutes, we arrived on the shore of Pyhrria.

"It's... beautiful." I stammered. Pyhrria was huge. And... there were... there were trees everywhere! I saw all the SilkWings behind me gasping in shock and wonder at this new, beautiful place. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, just staring in shock at the pretty continent. Nothing could go wrong here!

"Uh, hi?"

I looked around and saw a weird silver-blue dragon looking at me.


There were so many dragons here! All new types, and colours!

They were all so beautiful!

"Uh, hi?" I asked after they had stared for a couple minutes.

A dark green dragon with two necklaces, whose scales looked like the sun shining over a canopy of leaves looked around at me with a suspicious stare.

"Who are you?" The dragon asked.

"Um, I'm Frost, and I would want to ask what your name is, but I have a feeling you would rip my face off." I said nervously.

The green dragon rolled her eyes. "I'm Açai."

Açai. That's really pretty. Well, she is really pretty.

Frost! Don't even think that. I chided myself.

"Um, Frost, where did you go?" I was jerked rudely out of my thoughts by Açai calling my name.

"I'm right here." I said, confused.

"It's a figure of speech. You looked like you were miles away."

"But I'm right here?"

Açai rolled her eyes again. "Anyway, Frost. Where are you taking us?"

"I'm taking fifteen of you to Jade Mountain Academy, and the rest will go with Centipede,who will take you to the rainforest, or the sand kingdom."

All of the green dragons looked excited at the prospect of a rainforest, even though I thought it was too many colours and shapes and... everythings all at once.

"Who and where is Centipede?" Açai asked.

"Centipede is a RainWing at Jade Mountain who is waiting for us, so let's go!" I insisted. "He'll get mad at me if we're late again."

Once we were flying through the blue sky, on our way to JMA, I let myself be taken over by thought.

Wow. I discovered three new species. And there very pretty. Especially Açai. Açai is... special. And cute.


We were flying through this lush new continent, filled with vivid green trees, and winding aqua rivers. I was taking it all in. I looked over at Frost, and she had her head in the clouds again. I wonder what she's thinking about. She's so lucky, to have been able to see this every day. I had to grow up in a poison jungle. Where my best friend still is.

1 year earlier

I was meeting secretly with my best friend, Waterlilly. She said she needed to discuss something private with me, so we met in private.

I had arrived at our private clearing, with a dragontrap plant on one side, and some beautiful rainbow vines on the other.

"Waterlilly!" I exclaimed as she emerged from the trees, on the right side, across from the dragontrap, gracefully bounding over to me.

"Açai!!" Waterlilly seemed a little nervous. Like she had something important to say. Well, of course she did. That was why we were here, after all.

"Waterlilly? You seem like you have something on your mind." I said, hoping it was the same thing that was on my mind.

"Yeah. Well, of course I do. We wouldn't be meeting here otherwise. Açai. I have... I have... I can't say it. Let's just do what we normally do. Race you home!"

After Waterlilly said that, she stumbled away from me and rushed off into the trees. Well, she tried. She was kind of clumsy, and she tripped over a root and fell.

"Waterlilly!" I yelled.

"I'm fine, Açai."

"Oh no, you have to go home, Waterlilly. Come on."

"We were heading home anyways."

We walked home together, in an awkward silence, and found my parents waiting for us.

"What were you doing with Waterlilly?" My mother asked.

"I was just playing 'race you home' with her, mother."

"Then why is Waterlilly bleeding?"

"She tripped over a root."


I felt something trickling down my cheek, and on instinct, I wiped it away. It was water. I was crying. All of these memories made me cry. Waterlilly was still in Pantala, and she was taken over by the breath of evil. She had given me her half of our friendship necklace, just as she ingested the root, to save me.

Açai. Pull yourself together.

I gathered myself, and turned to a SilkWing behind me. I made idle conversation with him until I felt someone tugging on my wing. I turned to look at them, and Frost stared me straight in the eyes.

"We're diving. Jade Mountain Academy is right down there."

I looked down, and sure enough, there was a mountain. It was super tall, but somehow, we were flying right over it. We flew down to the academy, and stopped.

"Ok. So fifteen of you will stay, while the rest of you will go live in a tribe. The black and yellow dragons are going to the Sand Kingdom and the multicoloured dragons are going to the rainforest with the green dragons." Frost quickly explained.

"Ok, first of all, the dragons are called HiveWings, SilkWings, or LeafWings, and second of all, are you just gonna pick random dragons to stay at this mountain?" I asked, amusement showing on my face.

"Um, yeah. I'm just gonna pick randomly. Açai, you're staying." Frost smugly replied.

"Why are you so smug? I don't mind staying." I replied warmly.

"Well, I thought you would want to go to the rainforest."

"Well, I don't. I had enough forest the first time. Ugh. I hated the Poison Jungle. I like other forests, but... I don't know. I just don't want to go."

"Ok." Frost was nice. She didn't pry into my personal business.

"Thanks, Frost."

"For what?" Frost asked. I explained what I was thankful for, and we started a small conversation right there in the middle of everything. Now that I think about it, I was very inconsiderate.
"Welp!" A dragon from right next to me said. "We're late again! Thanks a lot, Frost!"
"Who are you again?" I asked suspiciously.

"I'm Centipede!" Centipede gave me a huge smile, and I had a feeling that he was genuinely happy and excited about... nothing. No, a better word is everything. He is happy about everything. That must get exhausting.

"Anyway!" Frost yelled over our conversation, and it seemed like she had yelled more than once. "I'm gonna choose names about who stays and goes. Then, Açai, you will tell everyone who is staying and going. Everyone clear?"

"Um, what do I do?" Centipede asked Frost.

"You stay here and tell Açai who she is supposed to get," Frost replied.



One hour later

We had finally just finished the sorting of the dragons. I was in a winglet called the Obsidian Winglet, with half of the refugees in the other winglet, Sapphire winglet, and half of them in my winglet. The SilkWing who I had met on the journey here was in my winglet, luckily.

At least I'll have one friend here.

Or... maybe I have two. Does Frost think of me as a friend?

Just a friend?
As I was thinking that, a pang of jealousy hit me. Açai. She is... a friend. You promised to yourself that you would never get involved in this sort of thing again. What are you doing?


I had just showed all of the dragons to their winglets, then I went off to join my own winglet, the Gold Winglet. The other IceWing, that used to be in that Winglet, Icicle, was a mass murderer, and tried to kill the Dragonets of Destiny. So I didn't have very high expectations, and I bet everyone else didn't, either.

I was going to rest when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I called it, tired of bossing dragons around all day.

"It's me," a shy, nervous Açai walked in the room.

"Açai? What are you worried about?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not really worrying, but... well..." Açai started, stammering on her words.

"What is it, Açai?"

"It's nothing." Açai regained her posture and stalked out of the room. When Açai got a fair distance away, she started muttering to herself, and I could hear every word of it.

"Açai! You said you would do it this time! Confess."

"Come on Açai. Pull yourself together. Ugh. I lost my chance."

Never again."

"She just... she just makes me so flustered."

I heard ever bit of it, and I was as flustered as her. I have to confront her.

I heard Açai storm away, presumably to her dorm. Unfortunately for her, I knew a shortcut, and I would be waiting to have a talk with her at her dorm.


I was so stupid! I should have done it then, and now Frost will think I'm weird. I rolled my eyes, already thinking of ways to stop my crush on her.

When I got to my dorm, there was an annoyed Frost waiting for me in the entryway.

"Frost?" My heart beat uncontrollably, and my breathing sped up. Stop it, stop it, Açai.

"Hey, Açai. We need to have a talk."

"About what?" I was a little worried, considering that I had just rushed out of there with no visible explanation.

"I heard your muttering in the hall."

My face flushed. "Ok?"

"What did it mean? Who is this 'she' we're talking about? Do you like someone?"

I couldn't believe Frost hadn't noticed! It would be so much easier if she knew!

"So. Who is the lucky girl?"

Ok, Acai. This is the time. Do it!



I hadn't heard that right. Me? What?~

"Frost, do you like me back?"

I blanched, and started stammering. When I was coherent enough to speak, I said, simply, "yes."

(Too cheesy I'm sorry guys this was too cheesy)
Welp! I really thought this would be longer, but nope! Only 2012 words! Wow ok! Remember to vote if you want this to continue bye, if not, comment and say that you don't want it to. If this one shot gets 10 votes, I will do another chapter or more depending on what You fabulous people (or dragons) want! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Ps: I did not edit, so if you see any mistakes or things you think I should fix, just comment and I will fix them as soon as possible. Thank you!

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