Oh no.

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"How!" I find my self saying

    Memories flood back to me. While in prison there was one single window facing the arena it was bared but I still had a painfully good view almost every day Peril would fight someone I would watch her set on fire and then no more enemy. Always worrying that it would be me next. I would try to look away but the sky was the thing that gave me hope.

    Cloudy's fire aura became bigger and bigger. Coconut, Deathbringer, and I fly out of the medicine hut which immediately burst into flames.

Deathbringer said "Go get Glory I'll get the night wings to help!" and then he flew away.

    Coconut and I flew as fast as we possibly could to Glory's "castle" but I paused when I saw a tiny sapling it wasn't like other trees it was silver, a silver tree? "Parrot, hurry!" Coconut shouts I suddenly remembered the fire

      A bit later we arrived at the "castle" and went in. Glory is petting her sloth Silver. Coconut steps back when he sees Silver. "Glory! there's a fire! Deathbringer went for the night wings!" I said talking very fast "How" was all she said "Cloudy  lit on fire like Peril which set the medicine hut on fire!" Glory looked shocked  and ran out side turned around and said "Coconut, go to Jade Mountain Academy find Anemonie and tell her to make a big rain storm with her weather bands. NOW!" Coconut flew away looking confused.

     A rain wing walked into the room and said "Whats all the noise? it woke me up." then Glory said "Banana a fire started get all the rain wings, the night wings should be on there way, have the rain wings clear some brush so the fire doesn't spreed. Then a night wing comes in "there's a fire? Is it true?" Then glory says " Yes a sky wing with to much fire started the fire get her out so the fire won't get worse. " then the night wing says " Peril is in the rain forest? didn't you band her from here? " "first of all Peril isn't banded I just don't want her here. Two Peril didn't start it a sky wing named Cloudy started the fire. And three stop ASKING QUESTIONS AND GO!!!". Both Banana and the night wing left. 

     Glory turns to me and says " go and look after the dragonets in the nursery."  Okay I'm fine with that who needs to be in a dangerous fire when the most dangerous thing about watching dragonets is occasionally dodging bits of venom (magical death spit) 

      I go out side and fly to the nursery and went inside and I was instantly was "attacked" by dragonets " I'm Passion Fruit but you can call me Passion I can turn pink, blue, green, even orange you match the sky are you trying to be invisible you need to work on that we are inside, silly! Do you like passion fruit? not my name the fruit. Because it is weird it's like Passion Fruit do you want some passion fruit? It drives me crazy!"

wow. I'm going to be driven crazy before I leave.

I look outside I see smoke coming from the horizon.

Horizon! that sea wing where is he now?

     Passion says "I see smoke out side." all of the dragonets rush to the window " Cool smoke!" "no! it's scary" "What is smoke?" I hear some dragonets say.

Should I tell them about the fire? I don't want then to worry or panic but then again if the fire gets over here they will panic then and not now

     Then I say in my calmest voice " OK dragonets there is a fire please don't panic we have time before it gets here if it does." there are seven dragonets in the nursery two panicked and ran around, one burst into tears, one turned invisible, another one grabbed onto my leg and the two youngest of the group both said "what's fire?"

"CALM DOWN! you get of my leg you two stay still and I would like to see every one." I'm already lashing out. These dragonets are driving me crazy, I rarely get angry.

The dragonet on my leg let go the invisible one turned visible the dragonets stopped running around and the other dragonets said again "Whats fire?"

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