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     "Huh?" Trout says. Then Glory says "Well, Darkness seer here just gave a prophecy that before dark stalker enchanted Pyrria so everything animus make will stop working." Then Trout says "I got to get that message to queen Coral!" then Trout looks like he is about to take off but Horizon stops him "don't you want to know more about the prophecy then that?"

    Then Turtle says after being silent for a few minutes "so this must be why our powers haven't been working recently. Not because of the soul spell but because of Darkstalker!"

    Is it just me or did he glance at peacemaker weirdly?  Anemone bursts out saying "great now we have two prophecies to deal with?! you would think after one you will be done for a life time but NOOO!

     Then Glory says "two prophecies?" Then Anemone rolls her eyes Moon just came up with a prophecy about..." But all of a sudden Horizon shouts "AHHH A GIANT OWL!!!!" and points toward the sky of course we all look but there is no owl, never mind a giant one. I look back to where Horizon was moments before but he was gone. I look around some dragons are still looking at the sky some are clearly confused and the dragonets are cowering.

     I spot Horizon in the distance and I bolt after him. I catch up to him and say "what are you doing and what is with the giant owl!" he looks at me and sighs "look I can tell you but I need to get out of here as fast as I can." "whaa?" I say. Horizon then says "If you really want to know what's going on you can follow me but we need to hurry. "Okay" I say.

     Why am I putting so much trust in a dragon I barely know?  Horizon takes of and I do to. We fly for a while then Horizon suddenly dives I follow. We land in a field with a few trees. Horizon says "I shouldn't be telling you this and I barely know you, but I trust you." "I trust you too." Horizon smiles "Have you heard stories of the lost continent?" 

"I've just heard about it."

"Would you believe me if I told you it's real?"


"and if I told you I'm an agent from a top secret organization sworn to keep it secret?"


"and if I'm breaking my oath to tell you this?"


Why am I putting so much trust in a dragon I just met earlier today?

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