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LaurenABlack made up these questions, so I  have to include them here as part of a master sheet containing all the questions. I want you guys to comment below on technical questions YOU want ME to answer. 

The ones printed here are sort of guidelines as to how the dragon world works. Your ideas will expand off of this.

1. What level of technology exists in this dragon world?

2. Do dragons have indoor plumbing, like bathtubs, toilets and sinks? If not, then what do they have? Outhouses? Chamber pots?

3. Do dragons smoke?

4. How does dragon biology work?

5. Do they have writing utensils like pencils and pens?

6. Do dragons have eating utensils like forks, knives and spoons?

7. What materials do dragons commonly use to build with?

8. Do dragons mine?

9. Are there dragon public buildings like theaters, museums, hospitals, etc?

10. Do dragons have religion and beliefs about life and death?

11. Are windows in dragon buildings open or filled with glass?

12. What kinds of sciences are practiced in Pyrrhia?

13. Do dogs and cats and other domesticated pets exist in Pyrrhia?

14. Do they have electricity?

15. Do they have diseases?

16. What is the proper ratio for human-to-dragon years?

17. Do dragons get married, and if so, how (vows, wedding jewelry, etc)?

18. What do dragons make their paper out of?

19. Are there other schools in Pyrrhia apart from Jade Mountain Academy?

20. Why do some tribes care about their dragonets and others don't?

21. Can dragonets be called kids, babies, children, etc.?

22. Why do dragons live so long?

23. Why aren't there more dragon kings?

24. Does dragon society have racism?

25. Can orphan dragonets be adopted, or taken care of through foster system?

26. Do dragons have alcohol?

27. Is there rehab for alcoholic dragons?

28. Do they have psychologists or counselors for marital problems or anger management issues?

29. Is the term nurse or doctor used, or is it just healers?

30. Why don't dragons have last names?

31. Is there a cyclical nature to naming dragonets?

32. Do dragons have street addresses?

33. Why do some tribes have breeding programs and others don't?

34. How do dragons enter a profession?

35. How do dragons know who is related to whom, and do they understand genetics and the dangers of inbreeding?

36. How do you publish a scroll, or anything creative, in Pyrrhia?

37. How do they mass-produce scrolls or books?

38. Do they have newspapers or a news media?

39. What kind of musical instruments do they have?

40. What part of a dragon exactly is a "talon", and what is the difference between a talon and a claw?

41. How can they live their lives by going about on all fours? Do they use their talons like hands and like feet at the same time?

42. Have dragons evolved over the years, such as Prince Arctic having different features than Prince Winter?

Feel free to add to this list by commenting down below, and submit your ideas to me through here. I'll take them into consideration before giving out my final answer to any of these questions.






You guys know what to do! PLZ share this with all your Wings of Fire connections, and, to all you new people, don't forget to follow me! I'll be back with my first answer as soon as I can be!

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