Someone's Sad (Can you guess who?)

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Navy's POV

As we get into the hospital car, Lilac doesn't say anything. The whole ride to Pyrrhia High, she's silent. We pull into the back parking lot of the school. 

"Lilac, you okay?" I ask, grabbing my bag from the ground with my uninjured arm.

She doesn't say anything for a second. Sea stands behind her, ready to push her to the nurse's office. Finally,  Lilac says something. "How do you deal with not being able to do the things you love anymore?" She doesn't look at me as she says it. She looking off in the distance at nothing in particular.

I know she can't see it, but I give her a sympathetic look. "You just have to. There's no going back to the way life was before."

"Navy's right. You have to give up some things, but it's okay. At least we're alive," Shell adds from her place near the front of the van.

Finally looking at us, Lilac says, "Are we living or just surviving? 'Cause the things I love are what made my life so amazing."

We stand there in silence for some time, contemplating Lilac's words. She's right; life isn't as fun without the things we loved. But at least we get a chance to try new things.

"We need to get going." Sea pushes herself off the van wall. "We're going to be late." She pushes Lilac down the ramp and Shell and I follow in suit. 

The Jade Winglet's waiting for us by the nurse's office. Kinkajou says hi eagerly to Lilac and she only smiles slightly in response as Sea pushes her into the nurse's. I glance behind me as we follow Lilac and see Kinkajou frowning slightly.

After Lilac's extensive check-up, it's my turn. Sitting on the hospital-like bed, Asha examines me. "Any pain?"

I shrug the shoulder on my good arm. "A little. When I move the arm weirdly."

"Anywhere else?" Asha pulls back, done with her examination. She sits on a chair by her desk.

I think for a second, even though I already know the answer. "Kinda. My leg feels likes it going to be cut up from the inside when I walk."

Asha nods, writing something down on a notepad. "Okay. Take it easy. Your arm should be out of a sling soon."

I nod and go to sit next to Lilac. Shell gets checked up next. Asha asks her questions and Shell answers them easily. She's been doing this since she was born, afterall. 

"You three are free to go," Asha says, turning to us after she's done with Shell. "Sea, make sure they don't hurt themselves."

"Yes, ma'am." Sea pushes Lilac out and we go to meet the rest of our Winglet.

Moon hurries to Lilac's side. "How are you doing? You getting better?"

Lilac smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm great. Dr. Smolder said I should be out of the wheelchair by the end of the month."

"That's great! Come on, we need to get to science." Moon walks beside Lilac, trying to make conversation. Lilac only gives short answers, not putting in any effort. As Sea pushed Lilac into Mastermind's classroom, Moon looked over her shoulder at me. I shrugged slightly.

When we were inside, Shell and I sat in the row behind everyone. Moon and Kinkajou kept glancing at Lilac, but she didn't seem to notice. Mastermind gave us some time to work on our homework near the end of class. Shell went to the bathroom and Turtle approached me.

"Hey," I say, not looking up.

"Hey." He sits down next to me, in Shell's seat.

I glance at him. "Do you need something?"

Turtle looks at Lilac. "Umm yeah. Is Lilac okay?"

"Why wouldn't she be?" I turn in my seat to face him.

He shrugs. "I don't know. She just seems very . . . down."

I look at Lilac. She probably doesn't want me to tell him why she's sad, but he's worried. All of them are. And I know that she won't tell them if we left it up to her. "She, umm, she was . . ." I clear my throat. How do I word this? "Last night, Dr. Smolder told her that she can't do her old activities like modeling and gymnastics anymore."

Turtle sucks in a breath. "No wonder she's so upset. She loves those things. It's what makes her happy."

"I know. I guess she just doesn't realize that sacrificing what she loves is inevitable." 

Turtle's POV

Something about the way Navy says that makes me curious. Her eyes look unfocused, like she's trying to look through me. She blinks and shakes her head slightly. "She'll be fine. She just wasn't expecting it." 

I nod, wondering what Navy sacrificed. "You're right. Thanks."

I go back to my seat. I look at Lilac and then glance back at Navy. I know what happened to Lilac and why she has to live in the hospital and go to the nurse like ten times a day. But why does Navy have to? What happened to her?


word count: 824

hey guys. sorry for not updating in like five million years. summer's almost here so i'll harder to post. love you!

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