Chaser of the Moon

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Italics means thoughts

She was a sea. The princess in fact. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. With her blue scales that flow through her like a river, hence her name Riverstream. But she wouldn't feel the same. For they were best friends. A hybrid and a sea. He was cut from his thoughts when her melodic voice filled his ears.

"Moonchaser did you even here me." He was glad that he was all black because he felt his cheeks heat up. The two were partners in a history project that Webs assigned. They were to tell how the whole war ended since the End of the War party was coming up. The best presenter would present their project at the party.

"Sorry River I wasn't listening." He sheepishly said.

"No I thought you were eating a cow, of course you weren't listening!" She smiled though and he felt his heart stop. "What I was saying was that since our parents were the Dragonets of Destiny then we have an advantage." It was true. She was the daughter of Queen Tsunami and he was the hybrid son of Sunny and Starflight. They weren't the only hybrids at the school which was okay. ( That's a story for another time.)

"What if we get their point of views and bam! We have our project." He loved her enthusiasm. I should just tell her. He thought. The two each set off. Moonchaser would ask Sunny, Starflight, and Clay while Riverstream would take Tsunami and Glory.

A Couple Hours Later

The two met up and compared notes. They decided on the lead and planned on staying up all night since the project was due tomorrow. It was around 2 in the morning and Riverstream was starting to fall asleep. She was falling over every once and a while. It got to the point where Moonchaser moved next to her. The two were working in one of the underground lakes and Riverstream would be hurt if she hit her head on the ground. River was fast asleep when she was writing a sentence. Moonchaser took the pen out of her talons and pulled her close using his wings. She cuddled into his side and he finished the the project, meaning that he didn't get any sleep.

Riverstream woke in the morning to hearing Moonchaser writing.

"Moon did you get any sleep?" River said in a tired voice. He shook his head and continued writing on the scroll. She then realized their position. She was cuddled up next to him that if she got any closer he would be on top of her. His wing was wrapped protectivly around her and their tails were entertwined. She stood to stretch and Moonchaser missed her warmth. He finished the last sentence and stood as well. He spread his wings which were much larger than Riverstream' s. She looked down at the project

"You finished the project!" River nearly shrieked.

Moon yawned before he answered. "I know that you hate getting bad grades. I also know that you haven't slept in a while due to this project. So when you fell asleep I took over. I hope it's not bad." He yawns again and River wrapped her wings around him.

"Thank you Moon. That means so much." She looked up at him and he turned his head down. Their snouts touched. River gasped and pulled back.

"Uh I um-" Moon stuttered and River pulled back and turned her head away.

"I'm sorry Moon, but I can't." Teary eyed, River picked up her notes and the project, heading back to class. Moon was devastated, not only did he lose his love, but his best friend. He turned back to the place where he worked and River was nuzzled into him. His mood changed. He was mad, so mad that he did that. He turned towards the door knowing that he should head to class but he looked up at the opening to the sky.

"She won't like it if I stay here." He murmured to himself. Spreading his wings he took to the sky leaving behind the only dragon who understood him.

Dedicated to Lyrakittycat she is awesome and gave me this idea! Hope you liked it!

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