Ripnami: The Blue and Green Orb

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Italics means that they are talking underwater.
Bold means thoughts

Tsunami sat underwater watching it. All the others hatched but hers. Sitting in the royal hatchery was tiring but it was a way to get out of royal duties. Since the tribes were at peace now there was no need for the offsprings of Kings and Queens to fight to the death for their throne. Now when the heir became of age, each tribe a different age, the King and Queen step down to allow the heir and their spouse to take their rightful place. Tsunami came of age a year ago. She became Queen and Riptide became King. Now Tsunami sat by the egg of her unborn child while Riptide watched over the kingdom of the sea. Tsunami looked up at a statue in the middle of the hatchery, remembering the events that happened when protecting her unborn sister. It was replaced with a statue of her, the protector of the sea. She smiled then turned her head to see the blue and green orb slightly moving. Tsunami sat straight up. Again the egg rattled. Her eyes widened and she turned her head to the open door of the hatchery. She swam over to the guards stationed by the door.

"Go get the King. Hurry!" She signalled. With a quick bow and surprised expressions the two guards swam off to find the blue and green Seawing. Tsunami circled back to the egg. Wait for your daddy little one. Just a little bit longer. Tsunami turned her head to see a worn out Riptide panting at the door. She chuckled and waved him over. (See what I did there) Riptide swam over to Tsunami as they watched the egg crack. First rattles and tapping then actual cracks. The egg cracked open and a small deep blue seawing popped out. It was a girl. Tsunami was always tough but at this moment she felt something she was happy to have. The feeling of being a mother. Riptide pointed up, he wanted to go up to the Summer Palace. Tsunami hesitated as she looked at her newborn daughter. She nodded and swam out with Riptide, daughter cradled into her. They reached the tunnels and exploded through the top. Wings out the two flew to the highest pavilion of the palace. They landed and Riptide pulled Tsunami close. Their daughter was a dark blue with silver streaks that looked like triples go through her. She had the royal pattern of the royal family under her wings. "Silverstream. That's what I want to name her." Riptide reached for his daughter.

"My little Silverstream." He murmured to the small dragonet. The two sat and cooed at the newborn. My two favorite girls are right here in my arms. Riptide thought. I won't let anything happen to either of them.

But that night, Silverstream quit breathing.


A/N is she dead? Is she alive? What do you think should happen?

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