(Sappy) Glorybringer...

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This was a request from PythonTheRainwing to do a cheesy love story for these two. I honestly loved the idea, except I suck with romance so here goes nothing!!!!!


She was gone. Missing. Straight from under his snout. He refused to believe that though. Maybe an was just taking a flight. But Deathbringer had flown all over the rainforest and he still couldn't find his queen. His love. Flying back to her pavilion he saw something white sticking up from the ground. Plucking it from here it stood Deathbringer read the not.

If you wish for your beloved rainwing
Bring us the head of the next King.

Deathbringer read that then turned the paper over. She's on the island. Glory was taken to the old nightwing home. A place Deathbringer never wanted her to go to. So he set off without giving a damn as to what might happen to him.

Reaching the tunnel took little time but he saw how the ground had marking on it, like someone was struggling. He dove into the tunnel and on the other side he was met with...

Heat. The blistering heat that he remembered not as clearly as others but clear enough to remember it. Then he heard an ear splitting scream. It was Glory. They were torturing her. Deathbringer flew towards where the screaming was coming from. Landing silently Deathbringer walked quietly behind a rock. He saw burn marks all over her. They were burning her. With a roar. Deathbringer launched at the dragon with the hot spear. Snapping his neck he moved to the other dragons. Easily ceasing them he knocked them out and tied them up.

He returned to Glory who was cowering beneath her wings. She was shaking. She must not recognize me. She's never been this terrified. What did they do to her? He thought quickly. Careful not to touch her burn marks he encased her in his wings. She lifted her head and looked shocked. So pulling her closer Deathbringer spoke.

"Please don't ever do that again!" He blurted.

"I won't. But I was protecting it." She said softly. Deathbringer was puzzled. It?

"The egg. Our egg. I can't let it get taken." She said.

"I love you!" Deathbringer blurted rather loudly.

"I love you more!" Glory shouted back. The two argued for some time about who loves who more before they decided to head home. Deathbringer pit Glory on his back and left the nightwings tied up to rot.

They stepped onto the rainforest floor and Deathbringer slid Glory off his back. He immediately grabbed her face and smooched the crap out of Glory.


A/N I honestly don't know what to say to this...

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