Winterwatcher: Black Ice- Sand Colored Scales

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Recap: "I love you to Winter." Then a crash was heard. A blur of sand colored scales paused by and made their way out the exit. Winter instinctively pulled Moon closer and conjured up frostbreath in his throat, entertwining his tail with Moon's. He wouldn't let anyone hurt Moon.


The dragon ran off, talons loudly scraping the stone hallway. Winter told Moon to stay but she had a feeling on who it was. One hint was that this dragon had to have had a skyfire for Moon couldn't read their mind. She could hear Winter's talons as he made his way down the stone hallway. Moon exited the cold water and found a rock big enough for her to spread out on. Laying down Moon spread her wings out and basked in the moonlight. She heard shouting and pounding footsteps that were getting louder. Then it went quiet. Moon rose her head and looked towards the entryway. Winter came in looking upset as ever. Moon hopped down from the rock and gracefully trotted over and wrapped her small arms around Winter's neck, nuzzling her snout into his chest. Winter's muscles relaxed as he wrapped his wings around the small nightwing. Winter buried his head into the crook of Moon's neck, right where he belonged. Moon reluctantly pulled away. Seeing the worry in Winter's eyes she touched her snout with his. Winter was surprised but entertwined his tail with hers. Barely pulling away Moon looked up at Winter.

"What's wrong Winter?" Moon asked quietly.

"He said he'd come after you, to hurt me he's going to kill you." Moon saw something she never thought was possible. A tear leaving the cyan eyes that Moon loved so dearly. "I can't lose you Moon. Not now not ever." Moon pulled Winter over to a mini clearing in the indoor rain forest that only the moon lit. Winter laid down and Moon curled into him, facing him. She wiped the tear away and muzzled closer into his chest. Winter took a shaky breath and pulled Moon even closer and wrapped his wings around her, holding her tight.

"I won't ever leave you Winter. I promise."

Then a flash of tan went through the trees.

So sorry I having posted. I'm leaving for Arizona right now so I probably won't post for a while. Shout out to Colorfuldragon. She's the bomb!!!!! Check out her books and follow her!!!!! Bye my dragonets!

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