Winterwatcher (humans)

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Winter watched from the doorway. His beautiful wife was gently swaying, humming a quiet tune. Her hands rested on her stomach. She was pregnant with a baby girl. Her back was to him so she didn't see him. Winter had been stationed in Africa, to protect the people who were getting attacked by outsiders, and wasn't supposed to be back for another four months, after his daughter was born. He found out before he left that Moon was pregnant and dreaded that he wouldn't be back for the birth of his first born child.

"You know little one, I can't name you with out your father, but I had some ideas." She was now looking out the window as she cooed at her stomach. Her black hair flew as the wind came throughout the open window. "I was  thinking Luna or Eclipse. But I don't know what your father would think." Winter loved those names.

"Luna would be a beautiful name." Moon jumped and whipped her head around, startled at the voice. She smiled immediately and started to cry.

Winter smirked. "Hey love." She remained standing so Winter took four large steps over to her. Wrapping his arms around her she cried harder. "I would hope that those are tears of joy?" He asked, head buried in her hair. She brought her face up to meet his. Her silver eyes met his cyan blue eyes. He brought his head lower and Moon wrapped her small arms around him. She leaned in and Winter felt perfect right where he was. In the arms of his beloved and lips together. He reluctantly pulled away but he could still feel her breath on his lips.

"So did you miss me?" He asked jokingly. She smiled at him.

"No I'm just crying for fun." She said with a straight face. But she to broke into smiles and giggles. Music to Winter's ears. Her giggles quieted. "So you like the name Luna?" She asked shyly. "It was my favorite name for her." She lowered her head and Winter stood up straighter but kept Moon to him. Using his hand he tilted her head back up.

"If you love it, then I love it." She smiled and nuzzled into him. He was glad to have Moon. Then their was a knock.

"I'll get it." Winter said. Moon nodded and Winter walked out of their room. He went downstairs where someone wouldn't stop knocking at the door. Winter looked through the eye hole to see a blonde girl with pink streaks running through her hair. He smiled. Opening the door the girl spoke.

"Hey Moon can I-" but she trailed off. She was surprised to see Winter at the door and not Moon.

"Winter!?" She barreled into him and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Kinkajou. You can let go now..." He didn't like being touched unless it was Moon. Kinkajou let go immediately and nervously laughed. Then Moon entered.

"Hey Kink! Whatcha need?" Kinkajou hugged Moon all excitedly.

"How could you not tell me!?" She asked rather loudly. Winter closed the door and stood, watching the two.

"I just found out. He came in and scared the crap out of me." She looked longingly at Winter.

"Awwwwwwww that's so cute. Anyway Quibli wanted me to ask you if you wanted to join us for dinner." Then she looked between Moon and Winter. "But it seems like you have a date." She said.

"No no no. It's fine. I haven't seen Quibli in awhile." Winter said happily.

"Yay!" Kinkajou exclaimed. She bounded out the door and back to her house. Moon and Winter joined hands and walked out afterwards.

I'm glad to be home.

A/N I was really happy with this one! Meh I don't know about you guys though... well tell me what you think in the comments!!!!!

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