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Okay so if you want to join, put your information in the comments and then go to the next chapter for the RP. I WILL ONLY ACCEPT 1 ANIMUS (not including me) AND NO MORE HYBRIDS!!!! Here is the information you need to put in

Appearance (color/jewelry etc)
Special abilities
Pet (optional)
Where you live (like Possibility or the night wing village)

Here's my information
Aqua-greenish, hints of blue, golden swirls around my eyes, blue eyes, gold bands on my horns, no scars.
Funky, very outspoken, gay, very funny, has a VERY mean temper and I will bite you if you piss me off
Assassin, but a jewelry maker in her spare time. If you want someone killed you have to say, "I saw a necklace. It was positively blood red"
Animus, EXTREMELY skilled in battle, can communicate in Aquatic
A black shark named Abyss that lives in the Deep Palace
Spends most of her time in the Summer Palace but does visit the Deep Palace to see Abyss

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