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The three moons rise in the warm air of the desert, hills in every direction, groups of cacti in dunes. It was a peaceful night in Pyhhria, the Sandwing secession may have been still going, but Sandstorm was awaiting for the best day of her life. Her two dragonets to hatch in three nights.

Sandstorm heard a slithering of a tail as a sand coloured figure came up to her. "Who are you?!" The figure walks closer, a talon reaching out to grab the darker coloured egg out of the two. "Get away from my dragonets!" Sandstorm jumps to the figure and scratches it's face, it felt soft so she guessed she scratched his eye. "AHHH!!" A jabbing pain hits Sandstorm's side as the dragon stabs her with its barb, she falls over, reaching a talon to the closest egg, the lighter one. "No..." The dragon takes the darker one. Sandstorm growls but then blacks out, seeing the last she'll ever see of her dragonet.


"You'll be a strong one, I know you will." Mamba laughs quietly in his breath as he holds the egg in his talons. "I will make you strong, I will make you mine." A sound starts coming from the high hills as Mamba looks to the sound. Over the hills a might dust cloud makes its way, fast and hard toward them. "No... not now!" Mamba brings the egg close to his chest as he lifts off into the night, the sandstorm close on his talons.

Mamba feels the sand grains hit his wounds and scars and he roars in furry. "AHH!" Mamba drops the egg as it gets caught in the storm of sand.

The egg swings in the warm air, getting hit hard with stones, the shell cracking. It soars high above the storm than starts to plummet toward the sandy floor. The egg hits the ground with a bang and the sand starts covering overtop of the egg, the light turning into darkness, the egg lost in the grains, a cursed barb waiting under the vast Kingdom of Sand.

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