Chapter 8

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                                                             CHAPTER 8


“WHAT?” Tsunanny roared, “I WON’T CHANGE BACK?!”

“I’m afraid not my dear,” Nightsky pretended to be sad with her, then offered, “I could make you into a copy of me though.” Tsunanny winced at the look of his teeth, his crackly voice, his, no. She wouldn’t do it. Being Sunny was better than that.

“You know, being queen is hard. And since Glory is going to take the throne again, I won’t be anything but a normal RainWing. So, I want to be Princess again!” Sunory exclaimed.

“Are you willing to change back Sunny?” the SkyWing asked once more.

“Yes,” she replied, confidently.

“THANK YOU SUNORY!” Tsunanny ran at her and hugged her.

“Wow, thanks,” Sunory said gratefully.

“I thought she was Sunny?” Nightsky declared.

“I am, but we all changed our names to fit with whose body we are in. Me, Sunny and Glory, Sunory,” Sunory explained.

“Can we get on with this?” Glorclay asked.

“Uh, yes,” Nightsky ran into one of the tunnels and came back a few minutes later with a ring.

“Now, get in a line, you, here, and you, right there,” he positioned them in a horizontal line.

“Hold still,” Nightsky put the ring on his finger, there was a flash of bright light again, then the dragons were all knocked out once more.

When Clay awoke, he immediately felt his appetite return to him. He opened his eyes and yawned. Everyone else was staring at him.

“He’s awake!” yelled Sunny, or was it Tsunami? Did the ring actually work? He looked at himself. Yes, he was MudWing again!

“So, is Nightsky still asleep?” Fatespeaker asked.

“I think so, we should just leave him,” Glory decided.

“I think so too, if he wakes, hopefully he’ll forget all about our trip here and never get the sapphires information out to all of Pyrrhia,” Tsunami stated.

“I’ll hide the scroll he was writing on if you want, just in case he sees it and remembers,” Clay offered after he had gotten up.

“Great idea,” Starflight agreed. Clay went, picked up the scroll, took one glance at it and burst into laughter.

“What? Let me see!” Sunny ran over to him, looked at it and also burst into laughter. At this, all of the dragons ran to see what was so funny. The scroll had little drawings of flowers, rainbows, and butterflys all over it. Not a word was in sight! Nightsky hadn’t written anything down at all! He had just drawn. Clay laid the scroll back down.

“Well, I better get going! I have royal duties to attend to,” Glory declared.

“It is good to be back!” Tsunami exclaimed.

“I agree!” Fatespeaker yelled.

“Now you’re agreeing to Tsunami too?” Glory asked.

“Yep!” Fatespeaker replied.

“I going to go and see my mom!” Sunny told them. She lead the group back up the wonky staircases. Finally, they broke into the fresh, cold air.

“Well, I’m gonna go to the deep palace, see ya’ll later!” Tsunami flew off.

“I’m gonna do the same thing, eat some cows!” Clay took off after her. Then decided to fly alone because, after trying to travel with her, he only got called a squid brain after saying, “lets go and eat some cows!”. Glory took off to see what disasters had occurred in the Rainforest while she was gone, Starflight and Fatespeaker went to see Starflight’s dad and tell him everything was fine, and Sunny traveled to the SandWing palace. The same though was going through all of their heads as they went their separate ways, Wow! What an adventure!

                                                             THE END

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