Chapter 1

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Snowstar landed on the flat entrance area of Jade Mountain. The rock was warm beneath her talons from the sun. Though the tree's leaves were shifting to a yellow, red, and brown color, giving a sign that fall was coming, if not already here.

Snowstar's white spikes glittered in the sun like newly fallen snow as she walked back into the mountain. She had lived at Jade Mountain for as long as she could remember. But her father had told her that once, when she was very young, they lived in Sanctuary, but him nor her mother told her why they left.

She was excited though, because today was the day that she finally was going to be in a winglet! Snowstar had the opportunity to be in one last year, but she wanted to wait for her friend, Marina. Marina had to wait for the age limit, which was three, and she also had to learn to control her animus magic before she could come.

Marina lived in a small town off the East Coast where the sea kingdom territory, the mud kingdom, and the rainforest met. It was named Sun-lilly point.
It was like a "possibility" but mainly for rainwings,mudwing, and seawings.
When Snowstar walked in the mountains, dragons' thoughts quickly filled up her mind space, so she took a deep breath and did the 'drowning out' process that her mother had taught her, which made the extra thoughts turn into the sound of rain.

As Snowstar walked she slowly got faster, she was practically running when she realized that she passed her brother's room. She stopped, her claws digging into the rock. She turned around and poked her nose into her brother's room.
Her brother, Blackdrift was facing away from the door, his nose buried in a scroll. His pale blue colored scales caught the sunlight and shined right in her eyes. Looking away and blinking, she quickly focused again and dropped to the ground in a hunters crouch.

Taking light steps, she got closer, and as she was ready to pounce her brother snorted and said," I know you're there, Snowy"
He rolled his scroll back up and put it away.
"If you're trying to scare me or attack, then try clearing your mind! It sounds like a blizzard in there!" He remarked, rolling his eyes.

"You know I'm still learning how to do that!" She replied, with a complaining tone. "Yeah yeah, whatever" Blackdrift smirked as he moved his wing brushed hers, she felt a tingling feeling, the same feeling when her wing brushed against uncle Turtle, or whenever Marina gave her a hug. "And yet, something tells me that there is a little rainwing hybrid in the entrance, searching for her best friend. Hmm... I wonder who that is?"
He teased.

Marina is here! Snowstar thought. Yup, Blackdrift's mind replied.
Snowstar ran out of his room leaving Blackdrift alone, and dashed to the mountain entrance. She looked around and saw pastel green scales and recognized Marina. "Marina!" She called, and she waved a talon in the air.

Marina saw her and ran over to her, gaining speed. "Oh! No! Wait!! Slow down!!" Snowstar panicked, and Marina ran right into her. They rolled over each other and almost off the edge. "Snowstar!!" Marina exclaimed with much excitement. A pastel yellow climbing up her scales. She got off of Snowstar and continued," it's so nice to see you!!"

"Same to you!!" Snowstar replied with equal excitement, but in a calmer voice added," but next time, slow down! We almost went off the edge!"
Marina looked at her with a straight face, then started busting out laughing.
Snowstar joined and then heard a voice say. "Seems you have found Snowstar!"
It was her 'aunt' Kinkajou. "Aunt Kinkajou!!" Snowstar exclaimed and gave her a hug. Kinkajou always had the best games and made the best fruit pies!

"It's good to see you Snowstar!" Kinkajou replied wrapping her wings around her."it's good to see you to" Snowstar released from the hug.
"Good day, Snowstar" greeted her uncle Turtle, "good day Uncle Turtle!"
Snowstar smiled.

Her 'Uncle' Turtle and 'Aunt' Kinkajou weren't actually related to her, but they were close friends of her parents so they kind of took on the role, since her real aunts and uncles were in the ice kingdom. And to be honest, Snowstar had never been, but her father said it's one of the most beautiful places in pyrrhia.

"Snowie!" Said a little dragonet. Snowstar looked down and saw Marina's younger brother, Caspian. Snowstar smirked and picked him up, "Hi Caspian! You look like you've grown!"
"I d-did! I got lots b-bigger!" Caspian beamed, the dragon language sill tricky on his tounge.

"Kinkajou!" Called a voice. Turning Snowstar's attention away from Caspian she saw her mother with her father making her way to the small group that formed.
Kinkajou ran over to Moon and gave her a big hug. Turtle made his way over to them and called for Caspian to follow. Caspian obeyed and followed Turtle.

The older dragons engaged in a conversation and Caspian started playing with a bug that was on the ground. Snowstar turned to Marina and said,"are you excited?" "Of course!" Marina replied. "And I am hoping that our winglet is fun, and you know, is nice"

Snowstar chuckled,"Shall we go to our cave?" "Of course!" Marina replied.
They raced inside the cave leaving the adults to do their own thing.

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