Another Book Leak That You Probably Already Know About

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     There it is! Another new book that I am excited about! I got the image from the "Wings of Fire Wiki." For some odd reason, I can't wait for this one to come out. Apparently, Tui might release more "legends" like this in the future.

     About the Book:     This book will be about the true story of Darkstalker's past. There is a preview of this book at the end of Deserter, which is the third Winglets book. There is also a Barns & Noble exclusive edition! It comes with seven dragonet game pieces and a "map of Pyrrhia" board (Hopefully the said "board game" won't be as bad as the Scholastic mini game...) There is an excerpt from the book on the scholastic website.

     Cover Stuffs:     Not really much to say. It's a picture of Darkstalker. He almost looks too friendly to be Darkstalker. . . What do you think?

     Release Date:     The book is said to be released on the 28th of June, 2016! (Only a couple more weeks!!!)

     Another Word from DuffelSnuff:     Sorry yet again for not doing any theories and stuff... I am still suffering from brain damage due to the ignorance of others. This will be fixed soon! 

    Shout Out!:     This portion of my "story thing" is dedicated to my most recent follower: Alligatorthemudwing!! Thanks for following! ^w^


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