The Official Woffels Quiz

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     About the Quiz:     This is probably something most of you know about. It's called "WHICH DRAGONET ARE YOU?" This is a multiple choice test. There are five questions each with five different possible answers. The answers are quite obvious as to which dragonet goes to which answer. The answers you choose will determine which dragonet you are (duh).

     Where to Find it:     The Scholastic website.

     Which Dragonet is DuffelSnuff?:     The first time I took the test, I made my answers were as random as possible (one answer for each dragonet) and I got Glory. Not a bad result in my opinion; Glory is my favorite dragonet, aside from Tsunami. The second time I took the quiz, I answered the questions as "honestly" as possible and I got Starflight (meh). He is alright. I appreciate his love for books... If you happen to take the test, let me know which dragonet you get! ^w^

-DuffelSnuff the Baka

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