Woffels Theory(s) #3: Book 9

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     This theory was inspired by the conversation between Alligatorthemudwing and I in the comments section of the previous part of my "book thing."

     The Theory:     The whole "new prophecy" thing may have all been a trick. This idea came from one word from the series. The word is "like." From the final chapter of book 8, page 286, Tui states, "...like a dragon who hadn't been able to turn or stretch or move for two thousand years." Warning: Spoiler alert! If you have not read past book 5, leave this page at once! Read at your own risk.

     First of all, Moonwatcher started getting these visions and prophesy things. They were like nightmares to her. Then, all of a sudden, as if on que, POOF!! Darkstalker starts talking in her head, saying he could only talk to her because she could read minds like him. Kind of a coincidence, don't you think? Darkstalker then proceeds to help Moon by teaching her how to control her powers, and stuff like that. Lets skip to the actual theory, shall we?

     What if it had all been a lie: the prophesy and Darkstalker being "trapped" underground. He is an animus after all. This opens up endless possibilities. I believe that (since Darkstalker was buried in/near the Nightwing Kingdom) Darkstalker is hiding somewhere in the Nightwing Kingdom, outside his "stone prison".

     The Theory Within a Theory:     The lost city of night is under Jade Mountain. There are many unexplored tunnels within the mountain. One of them could lead to the city. Also, there really isn't a spot on the map for the lost city, unless it is either on the tiny peninsula in the sand kingdom or on another continent altogether.

     (Theory within a theory within a theory)     Stonemover happens to be in one of the tunnels, laying against a wall like a stone.It is possible that Darkstalker, since he is an animus, can communicate and cast spells within "said" trap. He could have easily manipulated, or even created Stonemover as a "red herring." Stonemover doesn't move. He could be blocking an underground passage. Or Stonemover is just... there, and there are other tunnels leading further underground. (That is a dumb theory; don't call me out if you don't agree. In fact, you could have just ignored this entire block of black text; but do pay attention to "The Theory Within a Theory").

     The Second Theory Within a Theory:     The prophesy is a threat made by Darkstalker. If he doesn't get what he wants, Jade Mountain will fall. He knows Moon cares about the mountain and most dragons inside. Darkstalker could be manipulating Moon to get what he wants. 

     The Original Theory 3 Continued:     To tie it all together, (takes a big breath in) Darkstalker has been living underground for two thousand years. Moving freely. (He could have easily set himself free from captivity with his animus powers.) He is also immortal, remember? I totally didn't forget (Thanks again Alligatorthemudwing for reminding me). This explains him not dying (duh). 

     Moonwatcher is the first "mind reader" in thousands of years, besides Morrowseer (we'll get to him later). Darkstalker could have used this opportunity to give himself more of an advantage. He could have easily kept the third dreamvisitor for himself and used it to give Moon the "prophesy" (she only had these visions in her dreams). Then, Darkstalker started speaking to her, telling her that he was powerless without the scroll and he could help if she set him free and blah blah blah... (OH! I forgot to mention that Darkstalker could have more scroll things, or even a better enchantment to preserve his sanity). Moon then, out of fear,  proceeded to do everything she could to save Jade Mountain before it was too late. She did everything Darkstalker said, minus going to the Rain forest. But what if that is what Darkstalker wanted?

     Moon went to the rain forest to warn Glory about Scarlet. As I have mentioned before, the prophecy could be fake. If Darkstalker was the one who created it, he is practically throwing Scarlet under the buss. Either that or Darkstalker is a "she," but that is highly unlikely. This gives Darkstalker more time to do things... Just like the whole Wizard of Oz and Anya's Ghost thing, Darkstalker is not what he seems. This could totally be a revenge thing or Darkstalker is just plain crazy. Anyways... now Darkstalker is free. 

     To me, it almost seemed as if he framed Peril. People already hate Peril. She did something good, making herself seem like a good dragon (not that she isn't already) to other dragons, then burned Darkstalker's "special" scroll, and POOF!! Darkstalker literally erupts from the earth, and what does he do? He thanks her. Literally, he says, "Nice to finally meet you, Peril. Thank you so much for your help (page  286, book 8)." This is the second skywing he throws under the bus. I can just imagine the other dragonets looking at her in utter shock. Here's why I know Peril is not responsible: In book six, whenever Darkstalker "spoke," it was pretty obvious; in big, bold letters. Darkstalker did not speak in book 8, aside from the final chapter. Also, Peril did not even know of Darkstalker's existence, until she was told, that is. Unless, Peril was under another one of those spell things, like what Scarlet did to Winter's brother, which is also highly unlikely.

     One Final Bit:     Anemone. Let's discuss her. First of all, she is an animus, and always seemed. . .off to me. Then, in the epilogue of book 8, she says, "It felt... like someone slithering over my grave." What the heck!?! I know she is an animus and her mother is all attached to her because of Orca and stuff but... wow. This is a topic I will rant about another day; a matter for another time. Already have quite a few theories about this. It's just, it has little connection to the whole Darkstalker thing and I am too lazy to add more black letters to the now 1000+ word portion to my "book thing." This is the reason I am excited about the fourth Winglets book, because it might be in her POV, as previously discussed. I give my "sincere" thanks to those who read these big blocks of text. Thanks. ^w^

-DuffelSnuff the Baka

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