The Dawn Of A Global Melody

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                           The Soundwing and Dawnwing Kingdom was alive with music and joy atop the second highest mountain in Phyrria. They were celebrating the Queen having her newest clutch of eggs. The eggs, at least for royalty, were kept upon the highest point of the mountain next to the Blue Rose of Sound. The Rose was worshipped by all the Soundwings even the King and Queen. Though the Dawnwings have no use to worship the Rose the Soundwings worshipped it because they believed that it gave them their  beautiful singing voices.

The King and Queen both believed that having their children hatch next to it gives them a more beautiful voice. Surprisingly not many of the Queen's eggs ever had the sign of royalty which was a music note gem on them. Sadly, the Queen only had two eggs in this clutch. A pure white egg and a beautiful silver one.

                           The Dawnwings and Soundwings were also celebrating The Brightest Night. When all three moons shine brightly in full that is when most dragons wish their eggs to hatch so they may have "good luck". The King and Queen knew something tragic though. Something that, if found out by the Soundwings, there would be chaos. The Skywings were planning an attack on the Dawnwings. The Dawnwings knew this and were antsy.

The King and Queen snuck away from the party to get to the newest clutch of eggs. "Kira, where are we going?" The King asked. "We're going to get my latest eggs Cy! I'm not going to have them die!" The Queen, Kira tells him sternly.

Cy and Kira make their way to the hatchery and get to Kira's eggs. Kira picked them up carefully and handed the white one to Cy. "Take the Dawnwing to the tunnel leading to the Volcano and I'll take the Soundwing to the peak of Jade Mountain." Kira ordered. "But Kira love, why take to Phyrria and the Volcano is no place to have a Dawnwing be raised!" Cy counters.

"Well, do you have any other ideas?" Kira asks with worry. "Jan always wanted a dragonet....." Cy says thinking. "Your Rainwing ally?" Kira asks. Cy nods in response. "Alright, you take the Dawnwing to the Rainforest and I'll take the Soundwing to the top of Jade Mountain." Kira explains again. Cy nods again and kisses Kira then flies in the direction of the Rainforest holding his child close.

Kira flies quickly to the peak of Jade Mountain with her child in tow. She lands and carries her egg to a bush and molds it into a makeshift nest. She sets it in carefully. "You, little one, will be named Melody, Melody Shinesong. Your voice will be the most beautiful, you just wait, you'll grow up to do great thing." Kira whispers to the egg. A tear slips down her cheek and she readies to fly off. She glances back at it and just hopes that her daughters will survive and live great lives.

Cy lands quietly in the Rainforest and crawls to Jan's hut and knocks. Jan pokes her head threw the vine drapes and her eyes go wide when she sees him. "C-Cy?" "Shh." He says putting his talon on her lips. "Protect my daughter, Dawn Shinesong. Please Jan..." Cy pleads quietly. Jan nods taking the egg from him. "Thank you. Your my savior....and hers as well." Cy whispers tapping the egg. He kisses Jan's cheek in thanks and flies quietly off.

Jan takes the egg to a clear place in the Rainforest so the three moons can shine on it. She lays down beside it and whispers "Well Dawn, I guess I'm your step-mom for a while." Jan then hums quietly waiting for it to hatch. The white egg cracks and out pops a white head with blue eyes. "Well, hello there Dawn." Jan says softly. Dawn looked up and smiled at her. She squeaks and runs around trying to catch a dragonfly and falling a few times in the process.

Jan laughs and takes her to a cave in the Rainforest. "I'll raise you here until you know how to camouflage, ok little one?" Dawn just smiles and nods. Jan then lays down and yawns. The little Dawnwing follows suit, snuggling up with the Rainwing. Jan sighs and they both fall asleep.

The Soundwing egg starts to shake and then cracks. A small Soundwing baby crawls out of her egg and does a summersault on accident. She lets out a small squeak and looks around. The moonlight makes her silver scales shine. She has a red music note gem on her forehead just like her mother's on her chest. Her blue eyes look to the sky. A small blue and red dragonet falls from one of the clouds and falls onto little Melody.

They look at each other, blue eyes meeting yellow ones, and the two dragonets start to giggle. A sky blue dragon looks down from the cloud and flies down to them. "There you are Global- What? Who are you?" The dragon asks. The little silver dragonet looks up and squeaks one word. "Melody?"

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