Chapter 11

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"Hey Rain?" Wing asked, looking over at the dragonet.

"Yeah?" Rain asked.

"I wanted to ask..." he muttered. "You know how we're a part of the prophecy?"


"Well... we can't fulfill it if we're all not here, right?"


"So we need to get Hail back."

"No." a sudden voice said from behind them. The two dragons turned their heads, revealing the former and current dragonets.

Glory took a step forwards, looking down at the young dragons. "He chose to go with that Icy girl. Though I don't agree with it we need to respect his choice."

"Is that so?" Sarah asked. "So we're just gonna let him freeze in the ice kingdom?"

"He has scales that can block the cold you know." Tsunami said flatly.

"Noo I didn't know that. BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!"

"We are not going, and that's final." Glory said.

A few minutes after they had left Sarah turned to the other dragons.

"We're getting him back, aren't we?" asked Wing.


Rain winced. "Alright, but how are we supposed to even find our way to the ice kingdom?"

"We follow the map that I stole from Starflight!" Sarah exclaimed cheerfully, taking out a scroll she had hidden under her wing.

"How did you snag that...?" Wing asked.

"That's beside the point!" Sarah said hotly. "Just come on." she unrolled the scroll. "We're under the mountain, right?"

"Don't ask me." Rain and Wing said at the same time.

"Whatever." Sarah rolled her eyes. "This," she pointed at one place with her talon. "Is where we are." she pointed to the Ice Kingdom. "That's where we need to go."

"But isn't that like, three to four day's travel?" Wing asked. "I can't make it that far!"

"If the dragonets before us did it then we can too!" Sarah exclaimed. "We're just as good as them, we can do it! There's less of us, but we possess more power than they do!"

"Gettin' a bit cocky there, aren't ya?" Wing muttered.

"What!?" Sarah looked at him. "It's true!

"Fine, let's just go before they realize our plan." Wing said, "Remember, they broke out of their own prison when they were younger than us, it won't take them long to figure it out."

"Oh, my mom already knows what we're doing." Rain said. "She has spies set everywhere, but she also knows how we think."

"And she just let us go...?"

"That's my mom!" Rain said proudly. She spread her nimble wings. "Now, onwards!"

"Oh geez." Sarah sighed but rolled the scroll up, clasping it in her talons. "Fine, let's go."

Wing spread his wings, "I'm gonna regret this." he mumbled, and the dragonets took off.

In The Ice Kingdom...

"You really wanna go back there?" Icy asked Hail. "But the queen ordered you back here!"

Hail turned on her. "Yes, I really want to go back there. We have a prophecy to fulfill."

"But you don't even know the way!"

"So? I'll wing it."

"But you can't leave me again!" Icy said, "You already left once, remember, this is your home!"

"Not anymore. If I can't have freedom to go where I want, then I'll gladly leave."

"Fine then, let's go talk to the queen and see how you are then!"

"Forget that." Hail said, "I'm going."

Icy tackled him to the ground before he could do anything, gripping onto his wing. "You and I will go to the queen first, or I rip this off."

"You. Suck." Hail kicked her off, but her grip didn't leave his wing.

A loud screech filled the air, and soon the fluffy white snow beneath their feet became tainted with blood.

Hail breathed heavily, staring at the ripped pieces of his wing. He didn't want to see how much blood there was, that would only make him wanna murder Icy even further.

"H-Hail, I'm s-so sorry!" Icy stammered. "I-I didn't mean..."

"Shut up." Hail growled, drawing in deeper breaths. "I'm not going to the queen, and that's that." he lifted his head, staring back coldly at Icy.

"Then I'll bring her back to you." Icy raised her head so she was leaning over Hail. "So you can see the mistake in your ways."

"A friend wouldn't say that." Hail snapped.

"A friend wouldn't leave their life behind!" Icy yelled.

"A REAL FRIEND WOULDN'T RIP UP THE OTHER'S WING!" Hail roared and Icy flinched, backing away from Hail. Hail's eyes flashed and he opened his mouth.

"Oh what are you going to do, shoot ice at me?" Icy taunted.

"No." Hail growled, letting out a loud roar soon after.

Brown, liquidy material shot out from his mouth, covering Icy from head to toe.

"OW! OW IT STINGS!" Icy exclaimed, burying herself in the snow. Her scales seem to smoke, like they were on fire.

Hail blinked, tilting his head in confusion. Slowly he inched over towards the substance, dipping his tail in it. It was... mud? But it was hot, like fire. Really hot.

"Never heard of a dragon who shot mud fire before." Hail said, blinking. "Maybe I can make it change temperature..."

He opened his mouth, breathing down on the substance again. The same material came out of his mouth, and when he stopped the puddle was now frozen.

A broad smile grew across Hail's face, his ripped up wing forgotten.

"I guess I have Icy's stubborness to thank." he mumbled. He raised his head to the sky.

"I'll be back, I just have a few things to get to first." he said, "A prophecy isn't a prophecy without all of it's members."

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