Hail the Icewing/Mudwing

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Chapter 3

In the Ice Kingdom...

    "No fair! You got a headstart!" exclaimed Hail, running after Icy.

    "Then you better catch me!" called back Icy. 

    She then suddenly stopped abruptly and Hail slammed into her and they both ended up on the ice, laughing. Icy had sharp claws, sharp then most Icewings. And man was she fast!

    "Ah, no fair." said Hail, "I don't have sharp claws like an Icewing, all I got was a somewhat flat face and the love of mud. As well as the fire resistant scales and ice breath."

    "Fire resistant? You call that a 'whatever?'" asked Icy.

    "Well, its a whatever in the Ice Kingdom where we have absolutely no heat." pointed out Hail.

    "Oh! Have you found out who your mom is yet?" asked Icy. Hails expression darkened and Icy felt bad she had ever brought it up. She wrapped her tail around Hails and leaned against his shoulder. This seemed to make Hail better.

    "Its so hard... Not knowing who she is." whispered Hail.

    "You'll find out." said Icy. Hail nodded and he wished he could have stayed there all day with Icy, but soon he heard his name.

    "I... Better go." said Hail, "Best not to keep Blizzard waiting." Icy nodded and unwrapped her tail from Hails. Icy looked down and Hail flexed his shoulders and stretched his wings, then flew off. 

    His father was waiting for him in their ice cave.

    "Hurry, get ready to go." grumbled Hails dad. Hail and his father had never really been close.

    "Sure Blizzard." said Hail, not liking to call his dad, 'dad'. "But where are we going?"

    "Somewhere, now come on!" said his father, flying off with a blast. He was sure his father had said before he flew, "Were going to meet dragons like you."

    Hail sighed and took off after his father.

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