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Frostfish awoke, tired as always. He yawned, and stretched his multicolored wings and body. He flashed his stripes on his face, back, and underbelly. He looked outside of his cave and he saw that it was dawn. Standing up, he staggered clumsily to his pen full of his breakfast: sheep. Taking the plumpest one, he slit its neck before it had the time to bleat for its companions to help.

Frostfish closed his eyes, thanking the dragon gods (if there were any) for his food. He began to eat in peace. This was how it was every day. No parents to tell him to go to school, no other dragons to socialize with. He had no friends, and that's how he liked it. Change wasn't anything he would accept, at any time.

Finishing his breakfast, he threw the bones of the prey he had just fasted on outside. He'd dispose of them correctly later. Frostfish sighed. He didn't feel right ever since he witnessed the death of his one and only friend, Drizzle. After that, he ran away to live by himself. But he was a little hurt when no one was sent to come after him. Not wanting to dwell on the thought of not being loved, he pushed it away. Now he was lonely and it was perfectly fine.

He walked outside, talons clicking on the floor of the cave. Frostfish looked up at the sky and smiled. It was the perfect flying weather; the wind wasn't too rough and it wasn't too hot or cold. He opened his wings, and pushed off the ground hard, lifting into the air. As he was high in the air above his mountain and the ground, he saw where he used to live.

The on-land Sea Kingdom was huge. It had dragons everywhere, flying low, walking briskly on the sand, all on their way to do something. Frostfish hesitated a little, heart aching to be back in the marketplace with other dragons (almost) like him. He swallowed, holding back the urge to fly down and greet his old pals. He continued his flight over the old kingdom he used to reside in.

After he finished spying on his past dwelling place, he returned to his cave. It was time for his daily nap. Since Frostfish had nothing else to do in his life anymore, he included a nap in his daily schedule. He settled down on his tiny bed of sheep wool (which took him forever to pick it out of his teeth, but in the end it made a very comfortable lounge area) and tucked his snout underneath his blue tail. He closed his eyes, eyelids drooping even though he really didn't do anything exciting or time-consuming that morning. Eventually, he fell asleep soundly, dreaming of old memories in the Sea Kingdom.


The sound of screaming and roaring jerked Frostfish awake. He shot up, confusion and fear making its way into his mind and heart. He located the sound; it was coming from outside. Scrambling out of his cave, he realized with a jolt where the sounds of terror originated from.

The Sea Kingdom was in trouble.

Frostfish's heart fluttered at the thought of going back down to the ocean dragons' palace. But he pushed it aside and would worry about what was happening down there instead. He took flight quickly, and soared down to the land at increasingly fast speed.
When he touched down, the chaos finally made since to Frostfish.

Scavengers were attacking the dragons.

Little creatures that dragons had rarely seen were trying to harm the Sea Kingdom. A small species that dragons didn't have to worry about. They were just little animals that dragons could crush with one talon. But apparently the scrolls Frostfish had read were extremely inaccurate because the scavengers were attacking the predators that were five times as big as them.

Not believing his eyes, Frostfish just stood there with his mouth wide open. How could the scavengers get here? And more importantly, how were the dragons loosing? Shaking his head, he snapped into action. A nearby scavenger made a screeching sound and charged Frostfish with a tiny stick in hand. Frostfish dodged the scavenger just as a loud crack rang in the air. The hybrid SeaWing stopped. Had that stick made that deafening noise? Frostfish's heart skipped a beat, the feeling of unease entering his blood. A chill ran down his back, the scavengers were smart. He didn't know what that stick could do, but it didn't sound good.

Realizing that he was okay, Frostfish ran. Away from the scavenger and through the frightened dragons around him, he fled. He ended up next to his old school from when he lived in the SeaWing Kingdom. Memories of Drizzle and bullies came flooding back. He shut his eyes, taking deep breaths. Calming his nerves, he opened them, fiercer than ever. No scavenger threatened his tribe and got away with it! With a roar, Frostfish charged back into the mayhem.

Frostfish faltered and soon halted. With terror, he looked upon countless dragons laying on the ground, motionless. They were dead! Frostfish gave a short cry of grief, noticing his mother. He dragged himself over to Dewdrop and collapsed on top of her. He let the tears flood over her scales green body.

Suddenly, he sat up. His breath quickened and a smile crept across his face. She was breathing! But no matter how hard he tried, she wouldn't wake up. Remembering the battle around him, he decided to leave her, but made a mental note to come check back on her after the scavengers were defeated.

Frostfish raced to help his tribe members. He stopped at two scavengers battling another dragon. The dragon looked up, shocking blossoming on her face. In her moment of hesitation, the loud boom sounded from one of the scavenger's sticks. The dragon's eyes got wider and a scream came off of her lips. She fell, her eyes rolling back into her head.

Frostfish eyes grew as big as sheep. He squinted and saw that she was breathing. Maybe the sticks didn't kill, only put them to sleep. But Frostfish wasn't going to be out to rest! He swiped at a scavenger, and made contact. Hearing many bones break from the tiny creature, the thirst for more arose in him. Suddenly, an idea bloomed in his head. He opened his mouth to shoot ice breath at the remaining scavenger. Being half IceWing gave him the ability to shot cold, paralyzing mist like a real IceWing.

Almost immediately, the heart-dropping pop sounded again. Frostfish sucked in a breath, feeling immense pain. He let his pain exit him by letting out a roar as he hit the ground. He tried to resist the poison by keeping his eyes open, but eventually he got weary. After a moment, he let his eyes close, and the scene of fighting dragons and scavengers disappeared and turned into black.

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