Chapter Three: The Plan

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"So basically me being found by a Scavenger means "The egg of sand will be found by a hand" in the prophecy?" I ask the rest of the group as we lay out the prophecy on a rock in front of us. "I think that makes sense." Shallowpond nods as she starts reading the part about her. "What does it mean when it says that I have to remain or Pyhrria will fall into horrid pain?" Crystal shrugs but then answers as she places a talon on the prophecy. "Maybe it means you have to stay in the Rainwing kingdom like Glory said or something bad will happen to Pyhrria?" Cenote nods "Yeah...that could be it." Wow, that would be hard to take have to stay in one place for the rest of your life or everyone will die or something like that. Beach looks at everyone. "Maybe we should get back to Shallowpond and Cenote being my half sisters?" Galaxywatcher nods with a lazy expression. "Sure, it's a bit better than talking about the Prophecy." I roll my eyes. How annoying can Galaxywatcher get?!  "Anyways, let's get to it." Cenote puts her hand up. "Oh! Can you tell us more about your Mother? Her name was Sandstorm right?" I nod. "Yes, her name is Sandstorm. I never got to see her but my Da- I mean our Dad showed me a drawing."

I reach down into my leather bag hanging onto my leg as I pull out a drawing of my Mother and show it to everyone. "There she is." Everyone kneels closer in to get a better view as I put it on the rock in front of us. The drawing showed a tall but slim Sandwing with a pretty dark colored crest. "Wow...I can tell she is your Mother, Beach." Crystal looks from the drawing of Sandstorm to her. I pose like my Mother is in the picture and everyone starts laughing. "Hahaha! Beach! Or should I say Sandstorm!?" I try my best to keep the laughter in but I can't and i fall to the ground with laughter. "Hahahahah!"

After we all got everything back together we all headed to Queen Glory to see if we could get Shallowpond and Cenote out of the Kingdom. "Queen Glory, we we're wondering if you would let your daughters out of the Kingdom to come on a journey into Pyhrria.". This is a bad idea isn't it.... Glory stares angry  at all of us and I gulp. "None of you are going on a journey....the only reason you should be leaving is to get Beach and Crystal home!" I look around and see everyone slowly backing up as I think of a plan. If we leave when the Queen is asleep we could get out. I nod at the Queen. "Okay...I'm sorry we made you angry." The others look at me with a "What are you doing?!" expression. "Come on, guys." I take off and land bellow the giant sleeping leaves with dragons of all colors on them, sleeping. The others do the same and land beside me as Crystal looks at me. "What was that for?! We could have at least gotten a chance of going on a journey if you didn't say that!"

I roll my eyes and then look at everyone, Cenote, Shallowpond, Galaxywatcher and Crystal. "I was thinking up a plan. What if tonight we went on the journey. You know, when everyone is asleep." Galaxywatcher groans. "But, I don't want to go on a journey...I thought we established that." Wow, I thought Crystal was annoying...this is a whole other level. I thought everyone would be excited... "Beach! That is an awesome idea!" I look at Cenote with a smile as she says that. "So is everyone in?" I put a talon in the middle of our oval circle we made. Shallowpond and Cenote go right in. "Of course!" Crystal thinks then puts her talon in as we all look at Galaxywatcher. "Oh forget this!" I giggle as I pull Galaxywatcher's talon into our circle as we all pull our talons back. "Woohoo!" I smile at everyone.

"Okay, so everyone needs to bring food, something to sleep on. Maybe some water if you can find something to put it in...something to carry everything. But make sure to do this quietly!" The others nod and fly off to get everything as I grab my bag on my ankle and open it up, seeing the drawing of my Mother, a small scroll and...and something that's not important...

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