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I cannot begin to stress just how much I love this fandom. Apart from a few trolls, it is one of the purest, most beautiful groups of people I've ever met, and this song... I swear I'm on the verge of choking up as I listen to it.

I know, this song is from a HTTYD3 trailer, but I'd never heard anything past the "Fly on your own" bit from the trailer, along with the "And the Sea May Burn". But now that I listen to the song, it TOTALLY FITS THIS WHOLE SERIES *freaking out like I met the Avengers cast, Tui Sutherland and Zendaya all in one day*

The song is easily one of my new favorites (I might end up listening to it more than the clean edit of "Bangarang" or "Sorry for Party Rockin" XD) and I think it fits as the theme song of the entire series. 

The whole series is about dragons growing up and learning to spread their own wings and fly on their own. They test the waters that their parents have worked to preserve, they take the risks, and they always come up top. The whole theme of the series is to learn to fly on your own, and about finding a new way if something doesn't work. It's about love, at its core, from parental love (or lack thereof--I'mma send Deadpool to kill Kestrel if she doesn't change) to romantic love, whether they be casual daters or true blue soulmates, and how it affects our choices. And it all comes together in one EPIC saga that deserves to be told. I tell you now, if I ever get the opportunity to helm a Wings of Fire movie or series on Netflix, I will look back on this song and on you guys with so much fondness. WoF got me into reading, and you guys got me into a TRUE fandom. A fandom the way fandoms should be. Yeah, the Zootopia fandom's great (if very tiny) but the fact that you guys care so much about these characters and books has sucked me into this little whirlpool we call the FanWing community. I love you guys all so sticking much, and I hope that someday, we may be able to do the same as our favorite dragonet pals. 

I really want to take the time to dedicate this particular entry to my loyal readers. Even though I'm tiny compared to some of you, you are such an inspiration to me. I especially want to thank the following fans of mine, who have been so enthusiastic about my work:







I love you guys so much, and with this emotional song in my heart for Wings of Fire, I now dedicate this story to Tui Sutherland, and to God, ultimately, for giving all of us this wonderful world of dragons to play in.

Song: Distant Cousins "Are You Ready"

Stay Tuned for more theme songs!


(yes I'm a guy and cry over movies)

(only certain movies)

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