Book 9!

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I finally got together with OrigamiDragon28 to discuss theories, and this is what we came up with:

(!!Spoilers for book 9!!)

-Anemone is more than an animus, as evidenced by her in the epilogue, being able to feel the earthquake(?) that Darkstalker causes, when Starflight can't feel anything

-Okay, so, Jade Mountain is fine (just incase you were confused at the end like I was), meaning they have time to save it. We believe we have a good guess as to which mountain it is too. But Jade Mountain must be fine because Starflight did not feel Darkstalker awaken.

-It's not the lost city of night that's important; we believe that there's something there that would save the world, like a relic or something that could kill any animus (or specifically Darkstalker).

-Beware the one who is not as she seems I think this may be Anemone because she is definately  more important than one might think

-Beware the talons of power and fire The obvious answer would be Peril, but it's just too easy. I don't know who it might be, but I don't think it's Peril. Oooor it could be referring to how Peril -accidentally- freed Darkstalker by burning the scroll, as a warning to them not to let Peril do such a thing

-Beware the Darkness of Dragons I'm really not sure one this one. It could be a warning not to trust someone like Comelian or Soar (whatever really) or Darkstalker even. Someone might betray them down the line

-Beware the stalker of dreams Someone with a Dreamvisitior, or possibly Darkstalker. Hell, someone might be talking to Anemone in her sleep. That'd be cool >:)

-Okay so maybe no very important but I would like to just point out that Darkstalker's wingspan is that of a freaking MOUNTAIN. Also, apparently, he was starving, because he was being described as very thing and boney 

There  WILL be more later, but since I have a poor memory, I can't remember what else we discussed. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to Miss Origami soon so we can come up with more!

(Thank you so much for your patience, by the way~!)

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