(finally) Theory #7

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-Parts of this theory are brought to you by my good friend Origami-

In this theory, most of the evidence will be from Tui's short story thing and the book 7 sneak-peak so, it may contain some spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

So it is quite obvious that FierceTeeth is going to become more important.

Origami thought that No-Longer-Queen Scarlet's conpanion could possibly be Fierceteeth, and I can't agree nor disagree. She's being held captive in the Sandwing Palace-thing, so she couldn't have been the one with Scarlet, but her personality does certainly match the one of Scarlet's companion. It's unlikely that Fierceteeth is it.

How about Morrowseer? Could it be him? Evidence for this is sparce, but his personality is simular to Scarlet's conpanion, and it would make sense for him to be in hiding with Scarlet.

What if it's a dragon we haven't met yet? After all, that is very likely. I personally think that this is the most likely case, but part of me reeeaaalllyyy wants it to be Morrowseer.

I'm sorry for not updating in forever! I'm lazy!

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