A Heart-to-Heart Chat (D.O.D.)

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Kapok:This is a continuation from last chapter! A big thanks to BlueMoonMagic2006 once again.

Meteorshower:Let's just get this over with.

*Players appear*

Spiral:Each of you guys will sit in a circle with your parents. You will get to ask your parent of parents one question and they will have to answer.

Queen Coral:I'm back! This time with Tsunami and not Lake Bottom.

Tsunami:His name's Turtle.

Queen Coral:Who's name is Turtle?

*Everyone sits in a circle*

Jellyfish:First up is Glory.

Glory:I don't even know my parents are! Also I don't want to know who they are.

Spiral:Fine. Then Sunny is up.

Sunny:Um.....I mean we already see each other quite often so I don't really have any question. Ohh I know! What's your favorite color?

Queen Thorn:Obviously yellow. Although I do appreciate a nice shade of orange.

Sunny:I like every single color.

Meteorshower:Starflight it's your turn.

Starflight:What was Mom like?

Mastermind:She was caring. She loved you a lot. I hope you know that. She was just simply heartbroken when you were taken away. Your Mom was brave and smart. She would always get this look in her eye before she did anything, this look of determination and wisdom. Farsight was......perfect.

Starflight:How come the one good parent that any of us got died?



Clay:Proof that Starflight's the smart one.


Queen Coral:Hey!

Queen Thorn:I am insulted.

Kapok:That was mushy and emotional. Yuck! Tsunami it's your turn.

Tsunami:Do you miss Dad?

Queen Coral:Of course I miss Gill! He was amazing and kind and wonderful. I think any of your brothers would agree. Especially the one I was here with last time, Tuna Breath.

Tsunami:Turtle! His name is Turtle!

Queen Coral:No your Dad's name is Gill.

Tsunami:I give up!

Jellyfish:Last, but not least is Clay!

Clay:What's your favorite food?

Cattail:Cow of course.

Clay:Me too! If I still wasn't upset at you for trading me for a cow I might actually think you're decent!

Glory:Clay's savage!

Tsunami:Illuminati confirmed!

Kapok:Here we go again.

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