Dropping Anvils on Winter is Always Fun (J.W.)

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Kapok:Hi and welcome to the show where we spy on people then criticize them about their live's decisions.

Jellyfish:She means "Hi and nice to meet you!".

Kapok:No I don't.

Meteorshower:Kapok you have problems.

Kapok:I realize that.

Spiral:Do you think that our parents are looking for us?


Kapok:Not what so ever.

Spiral:That's uplifting.

Kapok:On that note who do you want to spy on today.

Jellyfish:*wearing a newspaper reporter's hat and carrying a journal and a pencil* What do you think about doing Winterwatcher?

Spiral:Yessssssssss! Winterwatcher!

Kapok: I say that we do Moonbili.

Meteorshower:Romance is terrible. Why don't we just kill them all?

Spiral:*Grabs Meteorshower by the neck* You hurt my ship and I will hurt you.

Meteorshower:Yes Ma'am.

Spiral:Good. *Drops Meteordust*

Jellyfish:I guess we're doing Winterwatcher. Sorry Kapok.

Kapok:*pouts* It's fine.

*J.W. enters*

Moon:Where are we?

Kapok:Not telling.

Moon:Then who are you guys?

Kapok:Glory and Deathbringer's youngest child.

Meteorshower:Starflight and Fatespeaker's youngest child.

Spiral:I'm the Bigwings of my sibs and I am Clay and Peril's child.

Jellyfish:I'm Tsunami and Riptide's youngest child.

Moon:Anyone else regret asking?

J.W.:*All of them raise their hands.*

Meteorshower:We're also from the future.

Winter:I don't want to know.

Kapok:Good choice.

Qibli:Why are we here?

Kapok:To entertain us. It's simple really. All you have to do is listen to us.

Carnelian:Kill me now.

Spiral:Don't worry. You die in book six.

Carnelian:Wait what?

Winter:What happens if we don't listen to you guys?

Kapok:Then we kill you.

Umber:*Looks frightened*

Turtle:*Hugs Kinkajou*

Kinkajou:*Hugs Turtle*


Meteorshower:No Jellyfish.

Spiral:Don't worry guys today we are doing Winterwatcher!

Qibli:Ah man!



Kapok:Let the torture begin!

*Winter and Moon are teleported to a grassy field.*

Winter:Do you want to make out?


Moon:Maybe later.



*J.W. and hosts are sitting on a couch eating popcorn while watching the secret cameras.*

Qibli:Come on Winter. Embarrass yourself so bad that Moon never speaks to you again. All you have to do is humiliate yourself.

Spiral:*Dumps popcorn on Qibli.* Don't ruin the moment.

Two hours later.............

Winter:*Grabs a cup of pudding and opens it* *Pudding squirts all over Moon*


Winter:I am so sorry.

Moon:It's fine really.

Winter:*Grabs napkin* Let me help.

Moon:Please don't.

Winter:*Start viciously rubbing Moon's face with the napkin*

Moon:I'm good. You can stop now.

Back at J.M.A...........

Kinkajou:HAHAHAHAHA! He has no game at all!

Jellyfish:It's just sad.

Umber:Why did he just throw the basket of bread at Moon?

Turtle:To go with the peanut butter he accidentally threw at her earlier.

Kapok:Let's go help him out.

Meteorshower:Why would you help him?

Kapok:*Snaps talons* I have my reasons.

Spiral:What did you just do?

*An anvil falls on Winter*

Kapok:Now let's bring them back.

*Moon and Winter reappear*

Moon:Thank goodness.

Winter:I think I'm going to be okay.

*Another anvil falls on Winter*


Kapok:Oh that's where that went.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this. Feel free to comment who you want to torture next and how. I am happy to take requests. Remember it can be anyone.

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