Go Tell People You're Having Kids (D.O.D.)

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Kapok:This is dedicated to @moonwatchersister for suggesting it. We now interrupt our regularly scheduled program.

Meteorshower:We have something serious to talk about before we begin.

Spiral:The friendless, lonely, pathetic person who writes this had a classmate that has been badly burned recently and is in the hospital.

Jellyfish:Please pray for him because the entire class cares a lot about him.

Spiral:I repeat. The person who writes this is friendless, lonely, and pathetic.

Me:Just because it's true doesn't mean that you have to say it. Also please pray for him.

Kapok:Thank you to everyone that prays for him. We now return to what we normally do.

*Players appear*

Kapok:Let's cut to the chase.

Spiral:Glory you have a queen's meeting to go to, right?

Glory:I do have a queen's meeting.

Sunny:I get to go too! My Mom wants me to come.

Tsunami:I have to come also. My Mom is making me.

Meteorshower:That's nice, but none of us care. This about Glory.

Tsunami:I just got sassed by Starflight's son.

Starflight:Hahaha. Served you right.

Fatespeaker:I'm really starting to like this twisted game.

Jellyfish:Meteorshower make a note of that. Now we'll need to torture them sometime.

Meteorshower:You guys are going to regret saying that.

Kapok:Glory take Deathbringer with you to the queen's meeting and tell them that you are having kids.

Clay:You want them to go tell people you're having kids?

Kapok:Not that I'm having kids! That they are.

Peril:Congratulations guys.

Riptide:You guys are having kids?

Clay:I can't wait to meet them.

Kapok:SSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPP! No one is having kids. Glory and Deathbringer just have to pretend they are.

*Sunny, Tsunami, Deathbringer, and Glory disappear*

Riptide:Now what?

Spiral:Secret cameras. The answer is always secret cameras.

Jellyfish:I've got the popcorn.


Glory:I have an announcement to make. Deathbringer and I are having dragonets.

Queen Coral:That's not going to end well.

Glory:Why wouldn't it?

Queen Moorhen:It will probably result in war.

Queen Snowfall:The Rainwings will hate the Nightwings for this.

Queen Ruby:The Nigthwings will hate the Rainwings for this.

Queen Thorn:I will fight with the Rainwings.

Queen Snowfall:I will join you.

Queen Coral:Me too.

Queen Ruby:I'm going to fight for the Nightwings.

Queen Moorhen:I agree. We will send our armies over immediately.

Deathbringer:This is going to end badly.

Glory:This was just a joke.

*One week later*

*Hosts are walking around dead dragon bodies*

Kapok:I feel like this was our fault.

Jellyfish:I guess.

Kapok:I'm sure everyone will be fine. 

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