Hugs and Battle Cries! (D.O.D. and J.W.)

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Kapok:Thank you DragonsnNinjas for these evil suggestions.

Meteorshower:We will be doing two today. One with the D.O.D. and the other with J.W..

Spiral:The D.O.D. will be tortured first though.

Jellyfish:We are obligated to tell you guys that death may occur to these characters, there are no guarantees.

Kapok:Also in the next chapter we will be doing something slightly different. It's important though.

Me:I have no idea when it will be up though. Most likely within a week.

Kapok:Strange writer girl is back!

Spiral:Not again!

*D.O.D. plus Scarlet, Kestrel, Dune, and Webs appear*

Glory:What kind of pain will you be inflicting on us today?

Clay:That's too many big words! Stop sounding like Starflight right now.

Starflight:I'm too busy being proud of Glory to be offended.

Tsuanmi:Let's just get this over with.

Sunny:Hi guys. Wait.


Scarlet:Good to see you too.

Kestrel:I really regret not just smashing your eggs.

Webs:I feel loved.

Dune:*Moves away from Scarlet* Are we just going to ignore the fact that she's the reason I'm dead?


Dune:Good to know.

Spiral:Glory hug Tsunami.

Glory:*Awkwardly hugs Tsunami*

Tsunami:*Awkwardly hugs Glory*

Sunny:I feel left out.

Clay:Sibling hug!


Glory:Help me!




Meteorshower:Alright. Glory now you have to hug Webs.

Glory:Why me? *Gives Webs an even awkwarder hug*

Jellyfish:Now hug Dune.

Glory:He wasn't that bad to me. *Hugs Dune very briefly*

Kapok:Hug Scarlet.

Glory:I tried to murder her for a reason. Just saying. *Quickly hugs Scarlet*

Spiral:Lastly hug Kestrel.



Jellyfish:Do it!

Glory:*Hugs Kestrel before running away screaming*

Kapok:That went great!

*D.O.D. plus Scarlet, Dune, Webs, and Kestrel disappear*

*J.W. appear*

Winter:What are we doing this time?







Winter:Stop being so happy!


Kapok:Qibli and Winter have to fight to the death.


Qibli:Let's talk this out buddy.

Winter:*In full battle armor*

Qibli:I said talk it out!

Winter:*Stabs Qibli with a spear* Done!

Kapok:Okay then

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