Same Thing as Last Time

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Kapok:Sorry for not updating. A lot of stuff had been going on lately.

Jellyfish:We're back now though.

Spiral:Bring in the victims!

*Players and Webs appear*

Glory:What are you doing here?

Webs:I don't know.

Kapok:Welcome Webs.

Meteroshower:Just explain quickly.

Kapok:Don't push me.

Meteroshower:Like you have anything against me.

Kapok:You and Spiral are dating and you write love poems about her.

Entire World:What? *World explodes as everyone starts fangirling*



Kapok:Anyways Webs. We're all the D.O.D.'s kids. I'll leave you to decide who's kid is who's.

Spiral:Kapok I'm going to kill you for this.

Jellyfish:Hahaha! This is awesome!


Kapok:You can try. Today we're basically bringing up your past trauma and making you guys answer personal questions.

Spiral:Everyone sit in a circle.

Jellyfish:Let Spiralshower sit next to each other though.

Spiral:AAAAAAHHHHHHH! I give up.

*Everyone sits in a circle with the adorable couple that is currently being tortured by the other hosts sitting next to each other*

Kapok:First question. What was it like to live with guardians who hate you?

Jellyfish:*Passes out popcorn to the hosts, Deathbringer, Peril, Riptide, and Fatespeaker*

Spiral:Webs you first.

Webs:I.....I.....I was a guardian.

Clay:They were mean.

Starflight:There weren't enough scrolls to read.

Tsunami:They let me fight, encouraged picking on the others, and wouldn't let us out. You think with them not caring and all I could've slept in the river, but no!

Sunny:They were alright.

Glory:They just hated me.

Meteroshower:Who was your favorite guardian?

Webs:Can I say me?







Spiral:That must have hurt Webs. Share one memory.

Webs:When they hatched. They were all, so tiny and we got to name them. I was then left to feed them which wasn't fun, but still they were, so tiny.

Clay:Kestrel kept on screaming at me and asking me if I was deaf while we were fighting.

Starflight:One day Webs brought back some new scrolls and I spent the entire day reading them until Dune got mad at me for not paying attention to what he was saying and set the scroll on fire.

Tsunami:I fell off a waterfall.

Sunny:No one would ever tell me anything. It was annoying.

Glory:This one time during fighting practice Kestrel grabbed me by the throat and was about to kill me, but I turned invisible. She was, so startled that she dropped me and I ran. I watched her searching for me for a while before she gave up.

Jellyfish:Were the guardians ever nice to you?

Webs:I like to think that I was never really that mean.

Clay:*Laughing on the ground*

Starflight:*Laughing next to Clay on the ground*

Tsunami:That's funny.

Sunny:They weren't that bad.

Glory:Of course they were never nice.

Kapok:How many times did you guys try to escape?

Webs:I never tried to escape.




Sunny:What? I only know of three times.


Kapok:You guys had a messed up childhood.

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