Wake Up And....Scream in Terror Because Kestrel's There (D.O.D.)

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Kapok:I've never been so happy to be drowning!


Meteorshower:I'll go get the doctor.

Kapok:We're all drowning!

Spiral:Oh no. She's gone crazy.

Kapok:We're drowning in suggestions.

Meteorshower:You really should've opened with that.

*Players appear*

D.O.D.:Hi guys!

Kestrel:Hi guys.

D.O.D.:*Screams and dives in bunker*


Kapok:First one is by @nature2007 and the last one is by @CrystalWinter2002. Alright?

Jellyfish:Kestrel, remember how you always called Glory lazy and worthless and all that jazz?

Kestrel:Still do. Glory you're lazy and worthless.

Glory:Aww. You care.

Clay:I'm hungry.

Sunny:I'm confused.

Starflight:I'm blind and confused. I win.

Tsunami:I'm just baffled. Take that Starflight I know words and stuff.

Meteorshower:Anyways back to the point.

Spiral:Glory had proven herself worthy!

Kestrel:I join in on their shared confusion.

Kapok:*Puts arm around Kestrel* Kestrel buddy. My main man. Brother from another Mother. Glory is Queen of the Rainwings.

Kestrel:*Mouth opens and closes*

Kapok:She's also Queen of the Nightwings.


Meteorshower:We broke her.

Spiral:This is random, but she also had won the heart of a handsome Nightwing assassin that tried to kill her. Then she saved him from an exploding volcano.


Kapok:To the next suggestion!

Jellyfish:Kestrel is Glory's co-leader for the day!



Spiral:To make things more interesting she had to give a speech.

*At Rainwing village*

Glory:Don't destroy my kingdom please.


Glory:Time for your speech! *Pushes Kestrel onto podium*

*Entire Rainwing and Nightwing village is watching*

Kestrel:I........I..........I. I...........I..........I. I..........I.............I. Why?

*Timid applause*

Kestrel:You know what? Rainwings are lazy and worthless. Nightwings are all stuck up. Your Queen is the laziest and most worthless dragon I have ever met and I'm not sure why you guys would even consider letting her be your queen.

*Kestrel is thrown out of Rainwing Kingdom*

Kapok:She's not broken anymore!

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