Do not read if you haven't read book 10

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So this is pretty much some random theories I have... As well as some book 11 stuff!

That is it for the book 11 preview type thing.

My theory is:

In book 6, Moon over hears a thought after Darkstalker finds out what year it is. "Everyone will know I don't belong here"

In the epilogue of book 10, Jerboa shows a lost continent dragon, showing they are able to reach Phyrria.

The mystery dragonet could have been hidden by Jerboa using animus magic. Hidden as in disguised.


Maybe the dragonet is the child of the lost continent visitor. The book specifies the gender of the dragon as a female.

This is just theories.... Enjoy!

A/N: I will post the next episode soon. I am sorry for the wait, but I have been trying to keep up with school. Sorry

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