Overload on Fan Mail!

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Tide: Hey guys! *Drops a stack of letters on the floor*

Winter: Whoa, that's a lot of mail...

Tide: It's all fan mail from Call_Me_Bookworm!

Qibli: Three moons!

Tide: Yep!

Tide: There three for Kink *tosses the letters at her*

*Tide continues to hand out letters*

Tide: One for Winter. One for Turtle. One for Qibli. Two for Peril. One for Moon.

Tide: Ooh! And one for me!

*The JW opens their mail*

Kinkajou: Aww! She said I'm awesome and wishes she could actually meet me. The other one says that she loves how I see the good in others... And the last is her asking for a mango?

Turtle: *blushes*

Kinkajou: what?

Moon: I think he's blushing because the second letter had the reasons he loves you!

Turtle: *frantically looking for his Skyfire which is still on his bracelet*

Qibli: Whoa, I'm really rubbing off you!

Winter: Mine is in all caps saying "PLEASE BE MY FREIND!!"

Qibli: *imitiating Winter* Does this person have no dignity to send a letter in all caps?

Winter: Ha ha ha

Tide imitating CMB: HEY!!!

Qibli: Am I hearing things?


Tide: I've been practicing my impressions. *Clears throat*

Tide: *talks in a voice that sounds exactly like Kinkajou in every way* Let's play some more Truth or Dare!!!

*Kinkajou's jaw drops while the others laugh*

Peril: Tide, stop giving me paper!!!!

Tide: Oops! *Snaps and the words in the letter are etched into stone tablets*

Peril: Both are in all caps. One says "MEGA FAN AHHHH," and the other says "THIS GURL IS ON FIYAAAAA"

Tide: How did you say that with such a straight face?

Peril: Is my face ever not straight?

*Clay walks by*

Clay: Oh, hey, Peril!

Peril: *makes a weird face which is a combination of blushing, smiling, and trying to frown* O-oh h-hey Clay!!!

Tide: Ahem, you were saying about a straight face?

Peril: Uuugh

Turtle: Mine says I'm awesome. Thanks!

Qibli: Mine is asking why I'm so quick witted...

Qibli: I just had to be like that growing up I guess. Remember my entire backstory in the Scorpion Den?

Winter: Yeah yeah we know.

Moon: This one says she wishes she was like me...

Qibli: Are you okay, Moon?

Moon: Yeah I just never heard anyone say that before...

Qibli: Of course she wants to be like you though! You're amazing! *Pecks her on he forehead*

Moon: *blushes*

Winter: *thinks of Lynx and blushes*

Lynx: *Thinks of Winter while in the Ice Kingdom and blushes*

Kinkajou: Looks at Turtle and blushes*

Turtle: *looks at Kinkajou and blushes*

Peril: Are all you guys hot in here or something? Makes sense since there's no window...

Tide: *facetalon*

Tide: Last one! It says "To Tide. You're hilarious and awesome." I get called that a lot!

Kinkajou: Hilarious?

Tide: No, Tide!

Everyone: Har har.

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