Riddle Time!

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TIde: Okay, Kinkajou, I have some riddles for you!

Kinkajou: Let me at 'em! I am the riddle CHAMPION!!!

Tide: *grabs a stack of note cards*

Tide: Okay! First riddle: what is white, black, and read all over?

Kinkajou: hmmmm.....

Kinkajou: Aha! A Strawberry jam-smothered soccer ball!

Tide: No! It's a newspaper!

Kinkajou: It totally is a strawberry jam-smothered soccer ball! And I will prove it! *grabs a soccer ball, some strawberry jam and spreads it on the ball*

Kinkajou: TADA!

Tide: "Tada" indeed.

Kinkajou: There's also a sunburnt zebra, a sunburnt panda, a sunburnt penguin, a sunburnt cow, a--

Peril: freshly caught cow, roasted chicken, OOOHHH char grilled salmon! *licks lips*

Kinkajou: *Looks at Peril*

Peril: What? I'm hungry!

Tide: Okay. What do you call cheese that isn't yours?

Kinkajou: MY CHEESE!!!

Tide: Fine, have it your way.

Peril: *stomach rumbles and instantly dreams about a grilled cheese sandwich that doesn't disintegrate*

Tide: What has a ring, hands, but no fingers?

Kinkajou: A scavenger pirate with handicap hands!

Tide: *facetalon* What goes all around the world but stays in a corner?

Kinkajou: Oh oh oh oh oh! The astronaut who is on time out and sitting in the corner of the international space station!

Tide: RRRRGH! You're not right, you're just technically not wrong!

Kinkajou: Now I have a riddle for you!

Tide: Oh, really?

Kinkajou: An animal has four legs, teeth in its nose and makes cheese soup.

Tide: ooooooookay--

Kinkajou: Also, it's afraid of cucumbers, it can count to eight but not seven, and five of its three feet are sausages. *grabs a pile of sausages from out of nowhere and tosses them into Peril's mouth*

Kinkajou: What am I?

Peril: Yuuuuuumm! A life saver, that's what!

Tide: I-I-I-I I don't know!

Kinkajou: The answer is: the imaginary animal in this riddle!


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