We Shall Never Speak of This Again

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Winter: *Knocks on Tide's door* Tide?


Winter: Uuuuh, Tide? Should I be worried?


Tide: Get under the blanket or something!

Anemone: Aaaaaaaagh! I hate Tsunami! Why does she have to make a new rule so you can't go into another student's cave unless you're their clawmate!

Tide: Well, technically it was Squid's fault since he "got bored" and decided to cover everyone's floor with glue. But you know her, she'll probably remove the ban later.

Anemone: *Frowns* Yes, I know her, so I know she won't.

Tide: *Shrugs* Fair point, now hide or Winter will see you.

Anemone: Ooh! check this out! *Grabs a baseball cap from Tide's desk and puts it on before vanishing* Ha! It's Annabeth's cap! Straight from Percy Jackson!

Tide: *Opens the door* Oh, hey Winter!

Winter: Tide? What was that crash?

Tide: My...laptop?

Winter: Huh?

Tide: I was watching Star Wars and you startled me.

Tide: *Thinking to himself* okay, that's technically true, I was watching Star Wars with Anemone

Winter: Oooookay...

Winter: Anyways, someone sent me a dare, and I have no idea what it means, and I thought that since you understand all things weird in the world, you'd know.

Tide: Well, I'm glad--wait, should I feel complimented or offended?

Winter: Just get over here and explain this!

*37 seconds latergh*

*everyone (Including Anemone, yes) gathers in the JW cave*

Peril: Man, it feels like forever since we've just....sat here.

Winter: Okay, I got this weird dare from someone who wants to stay anonymous, so I won't say their name--

Qibli: But you just said their name. You said you got a dare from someone-who-wants-to-stay-anonymous.

Winter: *facetalons* Moving on, the dare has a weird term I don't understand. I think Tide might since he knows everything that doesn't make sense.

Tide: Again, offended or complimented?

Anemone: I'd take that as a compliment?

Winter: So, Tide, what the heck is--


Winter: *Mumbling* "Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?"

Tide: *stares at him blankly*

Winter: Sorry, I've been watching Avengers lately. But onto the point, what is ASMR?

Tide: Oh, that's.......uh, I think--I mean...I'm pretty sure....uh...........................................

Moon: Wait, so Tide doesn't know the answer!?

Kinkajou: Maybe it's an acronym?

Moon: Hmm. Anchovie...salmon........mackerel.....roll?

Tide: Oooh! I'd totally eat that! It's been so long since I've had a good sushi roll. But I don't think that's what it stands for.

Kinkajou: America.....state....monarchy....ruler?

Winter: All Summer Mud Resistant?

Peril: Abraham Slaughtered My Rhino? Albatross' Senate of Malarkey and Retribution? Acrobatic Star Monkey Raid?

A/N Can I just break the fourth wall for a moment and say that I absolutely died writing that part? XD

Qibli: All-Star Mahogany Rudolph?

Moon: Antidote for Sneasing Mucus and Rashes?

Turtle: I got it! Arachnid Sweater and Matching Robes!

Anemone: Mmmmmm! Sushi noodles!

Kinkajou: What? *Sees Tide and Anemone eating a bowl of noodles and plates of sushi*

Tide: What? It's lunchtime! Also, that talk of sushi made me hungry. Anyone else wants sushi? I have cucumber rolls for you since you're vegetarian.

Peril: No time for that! We must decipher this dare!

Tide: Or we can ask HG?

Peril: That works too.

Tide: *starts texting on his phone*

*HG appears but currently has his nose in a Magnus Chase book*

Tide: Uuuuh, hello?

HG: Huh? Oh, hey, sorry. I just got this series along with Trials of Apollo. I'm reading this one first and am halfway into the first book. NO SPOILERS! Also can I just say that "happiness returns" was a super clever hint?

Moon: *closes her mouth because she was about to tell him what happens next*

Tide: Okay, so, we got a weird dare, and we have no clue what ASMR means.

HG: And you're guessing I know?

Anemone: Correct.

HG: But, if you think about it, if I knew what it was, then we wouldn't even be having this discussion because if I knew then you'd automatically know as well, since I'm the one writing correct?


A/N: Sorry, I just HAD to use that somewhere!

Tide: but you could just make us not know for the sake of the chapter, right?

HG: No, because if I did know what it was then I would make one of you know what it was so that one of you would explain it and then I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of inserting myself into the book (seriously guys, sometimes it's hard to find ways to make things work).

Tide:......I can kinda see your logic there.

HG: also, you have computers, right? Why don't you just look it up?


Anemone: On it!

HG: Oh, you need headphones.

Anemone: How do you know?

HG: Because I paused writing this to actually look up what ASMR is and came prepared.


Peril: I understand many things, but you're not one of them.

HG: fair enough. Catch! *tosses a pair of headphones to everyone*

Anemone: Ooookay, let's do this, I guess?

*82 seconds latergh*

Anemone: *shuddering like she'd seen Darkstalker's ghost* We must never speak of this again.

Tide: Agreed

A/N Soooooooooooo....interesting chapter.

Okay, I bet that like 80% of you had to look up what ASMR was. I've only heard of it once before this and didn't bother looking it up but after this dare....yeah...

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