Winter is nice!?

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Tide: Kinkajou!

Kinkajou: yes?

Tide: I got a dare! But for it I need all the orange juice you can get!

Kinkajou: *hushed voice* How much?

Tide: *leans and whispers* Two weeks worth!

Kinkajou: *looks around to make sure nobody's watching* follow me

*Kinkajou pushes a rock. Part of the wall opens to reveal a stash of jugs of orange juice*

Tide: So that's where you get all your juice!

Kinkajou: Yep!

Kinkajou: So, what's the dare?

Tide: DragonsNotWyverns has dared for Winter to drink orange juice every morning for two weeks. But, the juice makes his niceness show!

Kinkajou: Yay! We're going to have a sappy Winter!

Tide: Ooh! Here he comes!

Tide: Hey, Winter!

Winter: Yeah?

Tide: you've been dared to drink orange juice every day for two weeks!

Tide: *Snaps behind his back and enchants the orange juice*

Winter: Well, this is better than most other dares. Ok *sips orange juice*

*Qibli walks by*

Qibli: Oh, hi!

Winter: Hey best buddy!


Qibli: are you ok?

Winter: *wearing a huge grin* Why wouldn't I be?

Winter: *holds talon up*


Qibli: *states uncomfortably at Winter*

Winter: eh *shrugs grabs Qibli's talon and high talons it*



Qibli: What just happened?

*Two weeks latergh*

Winter: Uuuuugh, what happened?

Winter: Why was I so nice?

Kinkajou: You were more than nice!

Kinkajou: I read all the letters you sent Lynx!

Winter: Why did I drink that juice?

*Lynx comes bursting through the halls*

Lynx: Can anyone explain to me why Winter's actually been responding when I send him letters?

Tide: He drank some orange juice that made him super nice.

Lynx: That explains it.

Kinkajou: Well, you might as well stay now you're here!

Kinkajou: *whispers to Moon* Prep the Lynxter file!

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