Herme1a Arrives! An All Tribe Hybrid!?

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    Winter wasn't doing well. His wondering of what the hell they were doing in there was getting in the way of what he should be paying attention to... the dragon that just popped up right next to Rayben, Horizon, and Flower, who all jumped in surprise.
  "How did we not notice you come in!?" Rayben exclaimed, looking at this dragon as if she was some kind of God.
  "Hush you! I am Herme1a! I have come to join your game as did that scavenger Horizon did!" She exclaimed, looking at Horizon.
  Horizon looked around then pointed to himself with a puzzled expression.
  "YES YOU! IS THERE ANY OTHER HORIZON IN THIS ROOM??" She exclaimed again, sighing in frustration.
  "Well Herme1a, you gotta at least have a dare for us if you're gonna come waltzing in like that!" Rayben replied, crossing his arms as if he won.
   "Don't think you've won Rayben." She said, obviously reading his mind, then smirking.
  Rayben now was worried. What could this dragon do besides read minds and tell the future?
  Herme1a just turned to Winter then put a talon up in his direction. "I enchanted this dragon to turn into a scavenger for an entire week! And... fall madly in love with Flower!"
   Rayben, Horizon, and Flower gasped as a green smoke started to envelope Winter. Winter didn't notice till he felt his tail disappear. He yelled in surprise as he started to shrink, and mold into a scavenger. His eyes stayed their normal color, he grew long silver strands of hair, and all his scales fell off, and finally, he was a 16 year old scavenger.
   The three scavengers who witnessed this gapped at the scavenger form of Winter, who stood up and then blushed, covering himself with a scale.
   "Wh-What- WHY AM I A SCAVENGER!?" He yelled, looking at Rayben, Horizon, and Flow...er...- F-Flower... He felt a sudden lust for her, and then walked out of the room into the bathroom, dragging Rayben along with him.
   Rayben was still confused on what just happened right there. And also as to why he was in a bathroom with a naked Winter-Scavenger. "Winter, why did you drag me into the bathroom?" He asked, not looking at him.
   Winter sighed. "Rayben, it just be my scavenger form talking but I think... no I know... I'm madly in love with Flower!"
   Raybens eyes widened and he then slugged Winter into a wall. "Sorry but what!?"
   Everything had suddenly gone whack. Winter was now a scavenger, on top if that in love with Flower, An All Species Hybrid appeared with Animus, Mind-reader, and Foresight powers, and no one knows how long Moon and Quilbi would be in there.
   Peril and Glacier walked in, curious to see what was happening. Glacier looked to see the scavenger Winters head through a wall.
   "Oh uh... hi Aunt Glacier..." Winter said, nervous about her reaction.
  Glaciers eyes narrowed as she then inhaled deeply, and burst out in happiness.
  "YES YES YES!!! MY VERY OWN BLOOD RELATED SCAVENGER!!" She exclaimed hugging the naked Winter-Scavenger.
  Winters eyes widened as he looked to Rayben for some assistance. Rayben shrugged, clueless as to why she was so happy.
  Peril just looked at the camera then smacked it away.

   Well! I must say this is a huge Plot Twist for the Truth or Dare story! Winter is now in love with Flower! Gasp! And only Rayben and Winter know of this! And just how exciting will things get with Herme1a: The All Species Hybrid/ Animus/Mind-reader/ Forsighter!? Find out next time on Wings Of Fire: Truth or Dare!!!

Thank you for this entertaining chapter Herme1a! Enjoy!


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