Kink's Fabulous 2 Days of Being Famous

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Bold = me

Tumbleweed: Welcome back to ToD!

Jasmine: Kink! You've been dared!

Kink: to do what? tell you what would happen if Moon said she hated me?

Jasmine: NO!! OF COURSE NOT!!

Kink: then what?

Jasmine: You've been dared to be famous for a week!

Kink: YESSS!!!!! Which kind scavenger gave me this dare?

Jasmine: *Looks at scroll* 1yipWingsOfFireyip1

Kink: The same scavenger that gave me that horrible truth?

Jasmine: *nods slowly*

Kink: She's forgiven.

Stalker: I enchant this rock to make Kinkajou famous for a week, and when Frostbreath freezes it, the enchantment goes away.

Winter: Why is it always when Frostbreath freezes it? Why not me?

Frostbreath: Many reasons.

Winter: Name them

Frostbreath. *smiles* 1. I'm her friend. 2. I'm a girl. 3. You're you

Frigid: *laughs*

Tumbleweed and Jasmine: *looks at each other* *laughs*

JW: *Laughs*

Anemone: *laughs*

Winter: *scowls* hey!

everyone: *continues laughing*

everyone: *stops laughing*

Frostbreath: Let's get on with the dare. Turtle?

Turtle: *casts spell that teleports Kinkajou to the Rain Kingdom*

Tumbleweed: What about us?

Stalker: On it. *mutters something about teleporting them to the Rainforest to watch Kinkajou, just no one can see them*

*teleports to the Rain Kingdom*

Random Rainwings: Oh my god! It's Kinkajou! *runs toward her squealing* *asks for autographs*

Kinkajou: No need to push, there's enough of my awesomeness to go to everyone.

Kinkajou: *signs autograph for a Rainwing* Keep that safe, not everyone gets extra awesomeness

Random Rainwing: OMG! Kinkajou talked to me! She talked to me!!

Frostbreath: This is going to be a long 2 days.

everyone else: *nods*

Kinkajou: Well, better get on home. *starts flying towards her home before being famous*

Random Rainwing: Kinkajou! That's your house! *points to platform almost as big as Glory's*

Kinkajou: Thanks *flies to brand new house which is right next to sun time hammocks*

Everyone playing ToD: *follows*

Kinkajou: *lays on a hammock in house which also gets sun*

Frostbreath: *smiles wickedly*

Moon: What are you going to do Frostbreath?

Frostbreath: Nothing!

Moon: Come on

Frostbreath: Fine. I was going to knock over and move things around in Kinkajou's house so then she thinks we're ghosts

Everyone else: *looks at each other*

Frigid: Let's do it!

Tumbleweed , Stalker , and Jasmine: Yeah!

Everyone else: *slowly* suuuuurrrre

Frostbreath: *grabs a flower* *tickles Kinkajou's nose*

Kinkajou: *gasps* *sits upright* *sees flying flower* *shrugs* *lays back down*

Stalker and Winter: *try to knock over the same thing* *get into a fight*

Kinkajou: *hears noise* *looks around* *sees nothing* *jumps up* Whose there!

Everyone: *looks at each other*

Frostbreath: *Smiles evilly*

Everyone else: *shakes there head* *mouths, 'no'*

Frostbreath: *sticks out tongue* *taps Kinkajou on the snout*

Kinkajou: *gasps* *jumps up* Who's there!?!

Frostbreath: *smiles* *Carves something in the wooden walls*

Kinkajou: *Eyes wide in fear as she sees something get carved into the wall*

Frostbreath: *finishes carving*

Kinkajou: *reads carving* We are your friends *looks around* What friends?

Frostbreath: *carves something*

Kinkajou: *reads second carving* Winter, Qibli, Turtle, Moon, Peril, Umber, Carnelian, Anemone, Tumbleweed, Frigid, Jasmine, and Frostbreath *gasps* how?!?

Frostbreath: *sighs* Stalker.

Stalker: On it *mutters something*

Everyone: * turns visible*

Kinkajou: What?

Stalker: *explains*

*30 minutes later*

Kinkajou: *quiet and motionless*

Frostbreath: For once she is quiet!

Kinkajou: *talking quickly* Why did you do that? How did you do that? Why did Frostbreath do that? Why did you guys agree with that? how could you guys agree with that?

Frigid: jinxed it

Stalker: Well, it's nighttime. So I'm going on a fly. *looks at Kinkajou* And try not to get assassinated

Kinkajou: *Slowly* ooooookaaaaay?

Everyone: *flies somewhere*

Kinkajou: *goes to sleep*

*in the morning* (2 am)

Random Rainwing: OH my gosh! KInkajou's sleeping!!

Kinkajou: * wakes up* *sees fans* hi!

Random Rainwings: *squeal*

Kinkajou: *gets up* *flies out of house*

Random Rainwings: *follow Kinkajou*

*In the Nightwing village where Kinkajou's friends are*

Frostbreath: *staring into the river* *frowns* *kick the river* *looks at where Stalker is sleeping* STALKER!!!!

Stalker: *wakes up* What?

Frostbreath: Come here

Stalker: *comes* Now what?

Frostbreath: Your spell wore off *points to eyes* frostbreath's iris' are white, so Stalker put a spell on them to make them blue

Stalker: *sighs* ok. *mutters something*

Frostbreath: *eyes turn light blue* Thanks! *smiles evilly*

Stalker: What are you thinking?

Frostbreath: nothing

Stalker: tell

Frostbreath: You'll see

Stalker: *eyes wide in fear*

Frostbreath: *takes off to where JW and others are sleeping*

Stalker: *follows her quickly*

Frostbreath: *tip toes around the dragons* *smiles* *looks at Stalker* *points to Winter*

Stalker: *gasps* *whispers* Frostbreath, no

Frostbreath: *smiles bigger* *Whispers* Frostbreath, yes

Frostbreath: *Turns to Winter* BOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Winter: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *Jumps up* *flies away*

Everyone else: *watching*

Frostbreath: *laughing so hard she nearly rolled of the platform*

Stalker: *also laughing* *recovers* Let's go spy on Kinkajou

Moon: What about Winter? Shouldn't we go look for him?

Frostbreath: Trust me, we won't need to look

Winter: *crashes into a tree* *screams* *falls* *hits ground* *bones break*

Everyone: *hears a loud crack*

Frostbreath: See?

Jasmine, Tumbleweed, Stalker, and Frigid: *holding breath so that they don't laugh* *fail* *laugh*

Qibli and Peril and Carnelian: *laughs*

Everyone else: *flies up* *looks at where winter had fallen* *flies down* *pick up winter*

Turtle: A little help here?

Frostbreath, Stalker, and Qibli: Sure! *Fly down*

Turtle, Anemone, Moon, and Umber: *Place Winter on the ground gently*

Frostbreath, Stalker, Qibli: *Pick him up easily*

Turtle, Anemone, Moon, Umber: *look at them in awe* *Go up* *help carry his tail* He's heavy

Frostbreath: *smiles mischeviously* I know

Qibli: yeah

Frostbreath: How about we drop the dead weight?

Qibli and Frostbreath: YEAH!!

Qibli and Frostbreath: *drop Winter*

WInter: *dies*

Everyone else: Winter!!

Frostbreath: come on guys! We have to go watch Kinkajou! We can get winter later!

Everyone else: *thinks for a moment* Sure!!

*teleport to where Kinkajou was*

Kinkajou: *sitting on a large hammock in the sun*

Random Rainwings: *feeding Kinkajou pineapples* *fanning her with big leaves*

Kinkajou: *sees her friends* Hi guys! Come over!

Random Rainwings: *stand in front of Kinkajou* You may not pass

Kinkajou: Guys, they're my friends, let them through

Random Rainwings: *move*

Frostbreath: *smiles evilly for no apparent reason*

Random Rainwing: Kinkajou? Can you sign this?

Kinkajou: Why not? *signs paper*

Frostbreath: this isn't fun anymore!

Stalker: Agreed. *teleports back to the cave* *hands Frostbreath rock*

Frostbreath: *freezes rock*

Kinkajou: Why did you do that! I wanted to be famous!

Frostbreath: You were, but then it got boring, sooooooo yeah

Sorry for not updating in so long! I had writers' block. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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