Qibli's Dare

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Stalker: welcom back to ToD with the ja--

Frostbreath: *grabs the dare*

Frostbreath: now this is hilarious!!

Winter: what is it?

Frostbreath: thesilentmonk dares qibli to form a rebellion against the DoD and his battle cry is 'FOR THE SNACKS!!!'

Qibli: sounds good!!! *hurries out of the cave to form his rebellion*

Frostbreath: what do we do while we wait? hunt? kill? Kill Winter? I personally vote for the last option.

Jasmine: OF COURSE YOU DO!!!! Let's do it!!

*after Qibli gathered dragons*

Tsunami: what's soooooo important that i had to come here for?

rest of to DoD: *nods their heads*

Qibli: FOR THE SNACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone in the school: *runs toward the DoD* FOR THE SNACKS!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone playing ToD except winter: *laughing their lungs out*

Sorry for the short chapter!! And for not updating in forever!! i'll try to do better!! Plz give dares!!

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