Chapter Nine

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That night, Ice let Cheetah sleep in her den, since Cheetah's den was still airing out from the smoke. Cheetah didn't feel like moving for the entirety of the next day. She sat, staring glumly at her talons, the same thoughts circling her head like vultures: they were all I had. They're gone forever. They were all I had. They're gone forever. He was all I had. He's gone forever. Cheetah winced as Dingo's charming, smiling, face flashed in her head. He had been quite handsome, but she'd always thought if him as more of a brother. He was all I had. He's gone forever. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault.

"Cheetah, we're going for a fly," Ice announced. Cheetah looked up curiously at the beautiful dragoness.

"Really? To where?"

Ice scuffed her talons on the stone. "Well, tonight's the blood moon, and there's this big thing going on... I'm taking you to the Scorpion Den for a festival."

Cheetah felt like for the first time in days, sunlight had finally touched her scales. "Really?" Cheetah asked, standing up fast.

"Yep! And we've gotta go now so that we don't miss the start of the festival!" Cheetah through herself into Ice's wings, which closed tightly around her as they both hit the floor.

"You're the best," Cheetah said happily.

"Glad to see your spirits lifted," Ice commented as Cheetah rolled off, letting her stand.

"I'm so excited! I'm going to show you everything Dingo and I did growing up. There's gonna be drumming, food, singing, dancing, whisky, games... I haven't been to a Scorpion Den festival in so long! Wait—what about Stix? If I take him, he could get eaten or trampled. He might wander out if I leave him here... do you think Carmine would watch him?"

To Cheetah's surprise, Ice's gaze darkened at the mention of the SkyWing healer. "I think she might be busy enough. Any other friends who might watch him?"

"Yes, there's... I know, we'll visit Minnow and Pilot. They'll be happy to take him, and they live just outside town, on the river."

"Great. I already packed food and water, so let's go." Ice said.

"But, Ice... the Scorpion Den is in the desert. You'd hate it there."

Ice shrugged. It's only for a little while. Plus, it'll be nighttime. I read it's much colder at night." Cheetah nodded in confirmation.

"Alright, let's go then."

Cheetah dropped Stix off at the home of her SeaWing friends and then they took off toward the desert. Cheetah was feeling back like her normal self. It seemed like nothing could keep her spirits down for long. Plus, she didn't have time to be sad right now. Her best friend, her beautiful, amazing, dreamy, wonderful—WHICH ISN'T THE POINT AT ALL, CHEETAH—new best friend, was taking her to her favourite place to do her favourite thing just out of kindness.

Cheetah wanted to keep flying until they got to the Scorpion Den, but the desert heat was clearly wearing down Ice's energy. As soon as her sharp eyes spotted an oasis, Cheetah invited Ice to stop for a rest. Gratefully, the IceWing dove into the water and floated on the surface, resting her tired wings. Cheetah waded in next to her, sticking her head higher into the air until her feet left the wet sand below and she was floating completely. Then she ducked under water, down to the bottom on the oasis, and froze there for as long as her lungs would let her. Then, suddenly, she shot up near Ice's head, showering her in droplets of cool water.

Ice laughed and flicked a wave of water at Cheetah with her wing. They were so busy playing, water and laughter splattering everywhere, that neither of them noticed the sun creeping down the sky until it was dark.

"Um... Ice? Have we been splashing each other for the entire evening?" Ice looked up.

"We must have been! The party's starting. We have to hurry!" She scrambled out of the water and threw herself into the sky. Cheetah followed quickly, shaking water off of her wings. The wind would have them dried off by the time they reached the Scorpion Den. Soon, the lights of the city appeared on the horizon. She put on a burst of speed. Home. That was the only word she could seem to think.

I'm home.

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