Chapter Twenty Seven

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Cheetah flew faster than ever before, powering through the sky high above the desert.  Masai and Jade had fallen behind—Jade because she was already exhausted, being a SeaWing in the sun, and Masai because he already felt inseparable from her.

That's silly, Cheetah thought, reluctantly landing at the next oasis.  It must be impossible to fall in love with a dragon that fast. 

But hey, I did it, too.

Jade leapt eagerly into the oasis, sending a wave of water into Masai's chest.  He chuckled, shaking off his wings.  "Be quick," Cheetah called to Jade as soon as her pale green head popped up again.  "There isn't any time to lose."  Jade swirled and flipped in the water for a while, letting it sink into her scales, and took three huge gulps before stepping out. 

"Sorry," she said to Cheetah.  "But I'll be able to fly much faster now."


"Oh no..." Cheetah looked up sharply. "Come on, let's fly!" But the SkyWing guards were on top of them before they could escape. One of them landed on Cheetah's back, pinning her to the sand and nearly crushing the berries. Jade and Masai were pinned down, too. "What do you want from me??" Cheetah snarled. "I was pardoned! And why didn't Pichi send her own dragons? Why SkyWings?"

"You mean Queen Pichi," the SkyWing on Cheetah's back corrected.  "And she feels you haven't been punished accordingly for your crimes."

"Masai," Cheetah choked.  "Let Masai and Jade go.  They did nothing wrong."

"So you just expect us to leave you here with them?" Masai cried. 

"Yes," Cheetah responded.  "Take the berries."

"Berries?" One of the SkyWings echoed. 

"Yes, my girlfriend is sick, and these berries are the only cure.  Please, please let Masai and Jade take them to her." 

There was a beat of silence.  "Very well," one of the SkyWings agreed.  "No reason your IceWing should die over this."  The SkyWings let Masai and Jade up. 

"You know where to find the Scorpions?" Cheetah asked, looking up at Masai. 

He nodded.  "It doesn't feel right leaving you here."

"You have to," Cheetah said, sliding the berries over to him.  "Fly as fast as you can.  There isn't much time.  When you see Ice, tell her I love her, and I'll find my way home."

The SkyWing on Cheetah's back snorted.  "Doubtful."

And then Jade took off, Masai casting a sad glance at Cheetah before following.  Soon they were dots on the horizon, singing away toward the Night Kingdom, the Scorpions, and Ice. 

One of the SkyWings set heavy, clanking chains over Cheetahs wings and muzzle, fitting some sort of small cage onto her venomous tail.  Her head hanging, she followed them toward Queen Pichi's palace, not knowing what to expect. 

Will I be executed, or imprisoned instead?  Why, out of all the thieves in the world, is the queen targeting me?  Why does she keep sending SkyWings after me, instead of SandWings?  What did I ever do to her??

The memory hit Cheetah like a tidal wave.

It was many years ago, before moving to the Sky Kingdom or losing Dingo or meeting Ice.  A small parade of very rich looking dragons had been crossing through the Scorpion Den, drawing thieves like moths to a flame.  But nobody would dare to steal from royalty... until someone bet Cheetah she'd never have the guts.  She'd managed to snag a pouch of expensive gemstones from one of the nobles near the back, but she was spotted. 

Dragons lunged at her, trying to stop the theft, and her tail swung in an arc on instinct.  She hadn't meant to hit anyone, but the poisonous barb ended up deep in the side of one of the SandWing's necks.  Only now, Cheetah remembered Princess Pichi—quite young then—screaming as if her own heart was being ripped out.  That SandWing must have been Pichi's friend... and that was why she wanted Cheetah.

Cheetah glanced back, hoping Masai and Jade would make it to Ice in time.  And praying... praying... that Ice wouldn't try to come rescue her. 

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