A Bit About WOF Characters I Made

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Okay. Here's a list of dragons I've used.

Ripple (from the Animus Legends and the WOF forums on scholastic)- She's my original character and modeled after myself.

Soulthief (from the Animus Legends)- This NightWing was created and inspired by Vira/ Dawning. :)

Ash (from the Animus Legends) Inspired my my dear friend Nebula.

Polar (from the Animus Legends) Based off of three people- two of my pottermore peeps and my little sister. ^_^

Lightning (from the Animus Legends)- Inspired by one of my friends from "Ocean Point Harbor" (read my adventure story, Turning Tides)

Aisu: (from the WOF forums on scholastic) Modeled after Sunny, and another one of my friends from real life.

Quail: (from the WOF forums on scholastic) a male version of one of my friends from real life.

I HAVE A LOT MORE CHARACTERS!!!!!!! Here are some I just made up without being based off anyone: Morpho, Starling, Azalea, Feardweller, Kalahari, Gobi

Meh..... I'm running out of WOF ideas already! >.<


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