Chapter 9

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The dragonets nodded their heads and spread their wings and flew off to the suicide mission. The sound of wings beats were heard as dragons gathered around the battlefield. The location was right where Mudwing and Rainwing territory met. Princess Hail landed accompanied by the Jewelwings and the Thunderwings. Princess Storm landed with the Swampwings and the Forestwings. Storm lit up the yellow scales along her neck and lower tail. A Swampwing with a tear in his wing and a bent tail grumbled and whispered to a Forestwing. 


 Lightning hissed.

 " Did I ask?" she seethed at Hail. 

Storm and Hail laughed at their puny sister trying to get snippy. Tornado looked over to Lightning and felt a stab of pity. A Icewing climbed to the top of a cliff and stood holding a ram's horn. 


 The horn sounded and claws clashed and blood was splattered. Parrot looked at the madness around her and saw dragons falling to the ground. A Seawing fell to her feet with it's arm bent the wrong way. She lifted her head and clawed a Swampwing across the snout and shot venom at another one's face. Rip-Current pushed his back up against Parrot and thrashed his tail and illuminated his scales blinding a nearby Jewelwing. Dusty lifted her tail and spun around dragging her tail through some Forestwings. Muck blasted fire at some Swampwings snouts. Shadow entered a couple of dragons minds and put pain through their nerves. Tornado sped down the field and rammed her horns into some Jewelwings. Dusty and Tornado stood face to face with Hail.

 " Hello." Hail said looking down at the dragonets, " It is such a pity to have to kill such younglings... oh well." 

Dusty barred her teeth and Tornado hissed. Hail sucked in a bunch of air and exhaled a blue and yellow frenzy of lightning bolts. One skimmed Dusty's wing and she howled with pain. Tornado shot a spurt of fire at Hail's snout which turned some of the scales black. Hail shook the pain off and turned to face the 'enemy' once again. Dusty stood up and shot fire again at Hail's eyes. The fire burned one of Hail's eyes. Hail roared and clawed at her eye socket. Dusty smirked, she and Tornado high clawed. Parrot and Rip-Current were caught in a swarm of Swampwings. They were closing around, their long, head seaweed like tentacles swaying. One snapped their jaw and the other lit up their tentacles. Parrot and Rip-Current's backs were touching as they fought off the dragons. Muck and Tornado were against some of Hail's Jewelwings. They shot blasts out of the jewels in their heads. Tornado shot fire at one, they shot a 'jewel blast' to balance the shots. The fire and jewel blast clashed sending both the Jewelwing and Tornado sailing. Muck was dodging blasts from the Jewelwings and trying to fight at the same time. A dragon Muck could have sworn he had seen before lunged at him. Muck jumped out of the way and rolled. It had the properties of a Jewelwing, Birdwing, Thunderwing, and Nightwing. It's scales were grey, purple, and black with yellow thunder bolts running down it's neck. It's eyes were a sickening red and it horns were crooked. Down it's back and to its tail were a series of Nightwing and Thunderwing horns. A dawn of realization hit Muck like a tsunami. That was the four-way hybrid from the Jewelwing palace. Dusty's voice blared into his head.

 "Muck? Can you hear me? I am apparently telepathic. I am linking up everyone in a telepathic link so we can communicate."

 Muck roared and clawed at is head at the voice. Dusty looked at the hybrid and recognized it immediately. The hybrid lunged at Muck and clawed his underbelly. Muck roared and held his bleeding stomach. Dusty entered the hybrids mind and blasted it with pain. The hybrid roared and grabbed it's brain and tumbled over and fell unconscious. Muck laid in the ground as his blood soaked the green grass. Dusty bent over him and tears filled her eyes. 

" Muck?" she whispered. 

" Y...e.s." Muck coughed.

 " you." Dusty whispered in reply.

 Their lips clashed and sparks almost flew. Dusty pushed harder and Muck did to. A loud explosion startled them all. For hybrids, if you do something you can animus powers. It leaves a mark on your scales. Dusty had a black lightning bolt ran down her eye. Tornado fought Hail claw to claw. Hail slashed a claw down her wing ripping the membrane. Tornado stuck a talon into her heart and twisted it around. Hail sputtered and collapsed in a heap.

 " Hail is dead." Tornado thought.

 " That leaves Storm." Rip-Current thought back. 

" I am staying with Muck. He is hurt." Dusty thought worriedly. 

The 4 others bounded off. They ducked around claws and tails. Storm was screaming on top of a bolder. Rip-Current raced towards Storm roaring ferociously. Storm eyes filled with alarm as the mildly large Seawing hurdled towards her. She blasted a stream of lightning as him. It landed right in front of him and shot him back fifty feet. He crashed into Parrot who's back made a wicked bad crack as it hit the cliff behind her. She crumpled into a heap and landed in the grass. Tornado and Shadow lunged for Storm. Storm dodged the flying dragons. Rip-Current stood up and shook his head. Storm was perched on a rock. He snarled and took off with Tornado and Shadow by his side. Storm looked perfectly unaroused and shot lightning at all 3 of them. 

" BURN!" Tornado roared at Storm but was then blasted by lightning. 

Dusty then creeped out from the shadows. She looked weak and feeble. 

Storm cackled, " You weak minded fool!"

 " My mind is perfectly good thanks." Dusty snarled.

 She shot fire and Storm and sliced her with her barb. 

" You, CAMEL SPIT!" Storm roared, with that she collapsed on the ground. 

Dusty grinned, " I have skills."

 " DUSTY!" Shadow roared joyfully. 

" Good job sicko." Tornado said punching her shoulder.

 Dusty beamed. 

" MUCK!" she yelled. She charged over to Muck.

 " Muck..." Dusty sobbed. 

" Hey there beautiful." Muck mumbled. 

" We need to go to Jade Mountain," Dusty said, " and fast."

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