✈︎ Chapter Eleven

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"so where do yoy want to eat?" Taeyong asked as him and Jaemin walked along the sidewalk with the moon starting to shine above them.

The black haired boy shrugged, "I don't really care, as long as you're paying and not me." He stated earning a groan from the elder.

"Fine, let me check Google maps or something." Taeyong grumbled taking out his mobile phone from his back pocket.

His words made Jaemin cackle at him mockingly, "aren't you one of the archangels? Pretty sure you know everything around here and know where they are. Unlike me, I'm just a pesky human today."

Taeyong rolled his eyes at him with a grunt, "I'm trying to be a good influence here." He drawls trying to emphasize his words whilst he held his phone.

"You're doing a shit job." Was what Jaemin said, proceeding to annoy the archangel like he usually would back in heaven.

"Well blame Renjun and Jeonghan, they've been at it all day and that just ruined my mood." Taeyong protested looking up at the sky.

That earned him a message from Renjun saying, "fuck off" and another one from Jeonghan which said, "tell that bitch to quit being a bitch to Shua then."

Jaemin then takes out his own mobile phone that was vibrating, meaning he also got a message. "Chenle said to come back quick before these two end up dead. Also, he has popcorn ready."

Taeyong just shook his head at that before looking back to his phone as they kept walking. "So there's Subway a few minutes away and a Greenwhich just around the corner."

He then kept scrolling and hummed, "I'm down for wherever because I feel nice today and both seem good. Anyways, which do you want to go?" He asked.

When no answer was heard from the black haired boy, he stopped on his tracks and finally looks up realizing said boy disappeared. "Jaemin?" He called out.

He groaned inwardly when he checks his phone again to see Joshua sending him a message saying, "ran off. Near forest, staring at a cute boy :D"


Somewhere around the scary open forest, well it wasn't a scary one but from the lack of light there, it was creepy atleast.

Jaemin was indeed staring down the blue haired boy leaning against the tree.

"Is that him?" He thought as he observed the demon talking at another demon, probably his friend or something, whilst his tail was gripping onto an apple.

He shrugged before hiding behind a nearby tree from the blue haired demon boy and began eavesdropping.

"Also, stay here. I don't want Satan going wild and attacking me for losing you out of my watch," the tanned one said when he halts and turns back around to face his friend

The blue haired boy chuckled, "isn't that what usually happens?" He sneered raising a brow and adjusting his position against the tree.

His friend, which Jaemin really guesses or it would've sucked, huffed, "Jisung made a bet. I don't want to lose and do his work again for the fifth time this month." He rolled his eyes.

And with that, Jaemin kept listening before the tanned one runs off to a police officer, probably about to do something what demons usually do.

"So Satan is protective of this one." He wondered as he connects the dots and puts the pieces together. "Bingo."

"If this isn't who I think it is, then it's fucking embarrassing." Was what he last thought to himself before why not fuck it and just approach the blue haired demon boy that was also very cute.

It comes to no surprise when said demon boy didn't look scared or even panicked when he sees Jaemin approaching him somewhere in the open forest while he's in his demon form.

That's because he knows Jaemin is an angel, Jaemin knows the boy is a demon, they both know each other's roles even if they personally don't know each other or are in their immortal form.

"Well hell-lo cutie," Jaemin drawled as he smirked with his tone low and seductive. Don't mind the pun, it's really shitty.

The demon raised a brow, "hey there!" he beams with his fangs out and his tail swaying gracefully as it lit up with fire.

The angel hummed, "you're too innocent and cute for a demon," he said unconsciously making the demon pout.

"So? Is that a problem Mr. Angel?" He asked his tone soft and his tail still lit up.

Jaemin shrugged, "not at all," he waved off. "Just a surprise to see a supposed demon not being able to torture humans for fun," he said.

Blue haired boy pouted even more, "that's mean though!" He said not liking the idea of using his powers to make a human being's day miserable.

The angle chuckled and his eyes lit up with the color gold, "but it's fun," he smirked.

Demon boy whined and shook his head, "no it's not! It's very mean, naughty if you will," he retorts.

Jaemin hummed and puffed out his wings before flying closer to the demon who was behind the tree, he grinned and ran his finger on the boy's cheek.

The demon shivered as his eyes lit up with the color of light red as he looks at one of God's children, Satan's enemy.

"Pretty pure for a demon like you to think of that," Jaemin mumbled before grinning widely. "But I do love to destroy someone's innocence," he said.

"Let me corrupt you, Jeno Lee," he whispered and smirked when the demon's tail was now fully lit up.

"How'd you know my name?" Blue haired demon boy asked with wide sparkling eyes.

Oh dear God, Jaemin can probably ask Hades to not take his soul because said demon boy already beat him to it.

"Just a small guess," the black haired angel shrugged with his hands in his pockets whilst the demon tilts his head in confusion.

"Many immortals in the universe but there's only one Jeno Lee." Jaemin continues to say, tone low as he added a wink.

He grinned when supposed Jeno blushes at him before clearing his throat, "nice to meet you then." He said and takes out his hand for a handshake.

Just as the angel reaches his hand to accept Jeno's own from the kind gesture, Jaemin could see the way Jeno's tail lits up with a small flame and swayed slowly while he had a wide smile on his face.

Fuck food, he could just fuc–

"Na Jaemin what the hell are you doing here! Come back here you sneaky ass bitch before I drag your ass back to heaven with empty hands, empty feathers, and empty pride." A family voice screeched.

Jaemin then yelps and pulls his hand back to which Jeno pouted at before looking at the elder male who was grabbing and pinching the black haired angel by the ear.

Before either of them could properly bid farewell or even have a decent conversation as... possibly friends, Jaemin was already getting dragged away by the angry archangel.

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