✈︎ Chapter Nineteen

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"why'd you stop me?" Jeno whined with a loud huff, crossing his arms once it was just him and Jaemin left in the studies.

The raven haired boy sighed, placing a hand on the sulking boy's lower back and guiding them both towards the stairs as he drags the younger along gently.

"I didn't want you to almost make hell 2.0 in here, again, twice tonight." He said pointing at the space on the couch with a stern look.

Jeno grunts and plops down on the pointed space, still crossing his arms and grumbling about his father, and about 'Fred' and about this.

Jaemin leaves him for a moment, walking into the kitchen and trying to find where the glass cups are located at. It took a few minutes before he realized it was literally the cupboard above him and he was checking the drawers.

"you're making yourself look more like a fool than before."

He turns on the sink and pours some water into the cup, before going back towards the living room while almost chuckling aloud when he saw Jeno still sulking like a child. Almost.

Before said blue haired boy stared at the old magazine that was on the coffee table, long enough until it went into flames.

Jaemin screeched and runs to dump the glass of water (that was supposed to be for Jeno) on the flaming magazine until the fire stopped and half of the magazine was now gone, turned into ashes.

"Jesus Christ, I barely say that, but what the fu– Jeno!" He gasps, breathing heavily as if he had just ran a damn mile from who knows where.

Jeno blinks at him, humming as he tilts his head. "What?" He asked dumbfounded.

Jaemin couldn't believe it, but at the same time it wasn't really a surprise. More like... An 'I wasn't ready' type of situation. Because he really wasn't ready to die.

This night was supposed to be where he tells Jeno the truth, perhaps confront Satan (which did happen, unfortunately) and comfort Jeno if anything went wrong. Then tell the other truth.

He was literally about to do the third part, because something did went wrong considering how the blue haired boy was upset. Grudging.

But he guesses his friends are fucking shit up for him, he bets it was either Renjun or Chenle. He doesn't care, they can suck each other's dick for all he knows while he's here on earth.

"What do you mean 'what?'" he sneered. "You can't just– lit up things on fire, I mean you can because you have powers and you're like– a demon and that's your thing..." He goes on, almost forgetting about the main topic.

"But besides the point!" He stops himself and straightens his posture while staring back at Jeno who was sitting on the couch, slouching. Opposites can attract, right?

"What I'm saying is, can you not– I don't know, try to explode or something into flames? Even when you're upset.." he said, hesitant.

"Then how can I cope things? I can't just summon Haechan, he's probably doing deeds or training." The blue haired boy whined.

Jaemin paused for a moment, pursing his lips before gaining his ego– I mean, confidence back. "Who said you have to summon your demon friends?"


"Look, I'm not really good with... Coaxing things without flirting with you because you're hella cute, no pun intended," Jaemin starts off.

Although he said what he said and he really didn't mean to make a joke out of his words, especially in a serious moment like this, Jeno stifled a giggle. And Jaemin bit back a smile.

"But, I can... You know, be that friend." His sudden confidence faltered once again, all because of Jeno's giggle.

"Like, best friend?" Jeno hums, now straightening his posture, yet he still managed to make himself look small.

"Uh yeah. That,"

"Can you be my special best friend?"


"Like, more than that. I don't know what's it's usually called because in hell, it's either fuck buddies or something. But like more than... than what Donghyuck and Jisung are to me." Jeno elaborates.

Jaemin swallowed dryly, is this really happening right now? "You mean 'boyfriend' ?" He croaks, voice cracking embarrassingly.

He seems to guess correctly, because Jeno beams at him with a smile. "Yeah, that."

Should he say yes? Or should he like... Say no and then he'll be the one to ask Jeno instead? Why is he even hesitating?

He bit the inside of his cheek, and sighed softly, sitting down beside the younger and placing the, now empty glass, on the coffee table right beside the burnt magazine.

"I don't know..." He drawls and immediately regrets it because Jeno stopped smiling, now frowning. Holy fuck he's frowning at him. Not Satan this time.

"Wait, before you think of it as a bad way. I meant like, I think we should... Take things slow? If that's alright with you. Because we've known each other too quick, not to the point where we're like–" he motions his fingers together.

"Like that, you know? Like, really close and all." He shrugged.

With a pout, Jeno nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry, I was too attached or something."

"don't apologise, it's okay. Let's... get to know each other more before your father kills me or something." Jaemin exaggerates.

"He won't do that," Jeno rolled his eyes. "And Haechan told me all about these types of things before, I think I maybe forgot a step."

"Or maybe he's doing a shitty job, because I don't know what he did to make you believe him." Jaemin retorts.

"He's my friend, and he said he learnt it from Ten, Incubus's son. And then he told me, I learned after watching him do it for his deeds." Jeno shrugged.

Backing up abruptly, the raven haired boy raised a brow. "Am I your deed too? Because I'm not really ready to die... I'm sort of in a mission too, remember?" He said.

Luckily he shared his stories with Jeno too, because he's just that whipped but whatever. Or else, the blue haired demon could have sent his soul to Hades by now.

"Oh dear God, no." Jeno gasps and shook his head. It still feels weird being able to say holy names and words without getting a punishing shock sent through his body.

"You know I don't like doing those deeds, I just watch them." He snickered.

Jaemin grins and nodded mockingly, blinking his eyes when Jeno gapes his mouth at him. "You changed the topic!" He accused weakly, meaning he actually wasn't mad and Jaemin didn't have to think of plan B.

He doesn't have plan B.

"I wanted to get your mind off of whatever happened back there," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Did it work?" He teased.

"Well, duh." Jeno grunts a bit before mumbling with a frown. "Oh, you have to go home now." Glancing at the demon shaped wall clock nearby.

The raven haired boy hums in acknowledgement, also just realizing how much time had passed by. Either he was too absorbed bonding with Jeno, or the clock is broken and he actually doesn't have to go home.

Sadly it's the former.

So by now, Jaemin grabbed his things, letting Jeno walk him to the door and waving the younger goodbye, promising him that they'll see each other tomorrow. Definitely.

Once he was far away enough, though, he groans and looks up. "I know you guys spied on us, I can't wait to find out which one of you fuckers ruined this day and I suddenly lost confidence."

He earned silence, strong wind, a cloudy sky until no stars nor the moon were seen. Until it started raining.

"Okay, you guys are absolute shit. I hate you all."

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