✈︎ Chapter Thirty-Six

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"THERE HE IS!" Chenle squealed loudly as he pointed to a familiar silhouette walking around the dark alleyway.

The person flinched and heard him, turning around with glaring red eyes before vanishing into dark smoke as Jisung face palmed.

"Can you stop speaking so loudly? This is the fifth time we almost got him," he groans while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Chenle shrugs at him before Ten suddenly appears behind them, "aren't you guys supposed to find Fred too? Why are you tracking Jeno down?"

"Ah shit, that wasn't Fred?"

"Oh for fucks sakes." Son of incubus sighed disappointingly at.

"What? It's not my fault you demons look exactly the same, and act the same, and–" Chenle started rambling.

"Okay we get it, it's hard to distinguish which one of us demons you're encountering with." Ten waves off before raising a brow at Jisung.

"And what about you? You're supposed to know about this, why didn't you tell him it wasn't Fred?" He mildly scolds.

The younger scoffs at him, "you really think we should all track Fred down while Jeno could be anywhere? You're forgetting we should keep an eye on him too."

"What's going on here? And why did I just smell Jeno's scent?" Satan flies towards them as he looks around.

Chenle then points his accusing fingers at the other two demons, "these idiots are arguing just because we accidentally tracked Jeno down instead of Fred."

"You did what?" Satan widened his eyes, "where is he now?" He asked.

"We don't know, Chenle over here couldn't keep his mouth shut and Jeno noticed us before disappearing again, for the fifth time." Jisung stated nonchalantly whilst Chenle was glaring at him.

"Why were you tracking Jeno down in the first place? Did you not listen–"

"I listened, but I don't fully agree on it." Jisung spoke up again while crossing his arms.

"If you think about it, we didn't– or atleast I didn't track him down accidentally. I planned on it."

"Why the fuck would you do that–" Ten was about to finish before getting interrupted by Jisung.

"I was keeping an eye on him, maybe even distract him a little bit even if it means he'll know we're onto him." He said.

Satan doesn't say anything and Jisung took that as his cue to continue. "If we all focus on Fred and leave Jeno alone, he could do anything to anyone without us knowing."

He turns to Chenle and raised a brow at the young angel, "did you not notice Jeno almost using his power against someone on the streets on our third attempt before I let you distract him?"

Chenle furrowed his eyebrows before widening his eyes in realization, "ohh~ so that's what you guys were doing." He drawls.

Jisung turns back to the other two demons with a blank look, "proves my point. Anyways, just leave Jeno to us and you guys go find Fred."

"Are you stupid? that's complete–"

"We found him!" Joshua appears behind them as Ten was starting to get annoyed by always getting interrupted. They're all so rude tonight.

"Fred or Jeno? Because I swear–" Satan starts as he stared at the angel boy.

Joshua nodded at him with a smile, "Fred! We found him! Come, Haechan said he feels like Jeno is near them now."

"Damn, he sure is fast when he's hunting down someone." Chenle mumbled beside Jisung who hums at him.

Satan turns to them and gestures to follow them, "well this was quicker than I expected."

Joshua shrugs at him before leading them towards where the others are, "he's in like an old house, I'm sure it wasn't there before so I think it's a disguise."

"Oh for sure, the classic old house in a quiet neighborhood with a demon living in it strategy." Jisung snickered at Ten's words.

"Do you guys do that often?" Chenle asks while Joshua was listening as well in curiosity.

Satan looks at the two demon boys who started to laugh, "well, before. But it's honestly getting old and it works too well anyways, it's boring." Ten stated.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of being mistook as a ghost or something. Besides, the neighborhood kids I've dealt with were getting on my last nerves, they almost fucked up my missions."

"They spread the news to almost everyone around that there's actually someone living in the house," Ten added with a snort.

"Okay shut up you guys, we're here." Joshua whispered at them while they slowly got cautious on their surroundings as the demons tried to look out for any signs of Jeno.

They met up with the others hiding behind the bushes near the old house, Haechan stood up and crossed his arms at them. "Took you guys long enough," he grumbled.

"Shh, Jeno could be anywhere." Satan shuts him up as Renjun pulled his boyfriend back down to hide again.

"Why aren't we using our powers instead? It'll be easier to hide." Chenle asks as he also crouches down behind the bushes.

Taeyong shook his head at his words, "actually, it'll be more obvious." He whispers.

The young angel boy raised a brow in confusion, Ten decided to be the one explaining it to him since Jisung was too busy on the look out.

"Some of us demons could smell powers, since Jeno is in this... State, it'll be dangerous because it could tick him off in the wrong way."

"Wow, this is like catching a mouse or something." Jeonghan chuckles quietly.

"But trust me, you do not want to see my son like that. This is already scarier as it is, and even if I'm his father, Satan, I still get scared of this side of him." The ruler of hell said.

"Wait, is Jeno more powerful than you?" Renjun asks this time, genuinely have been wondering about this question for a while now.

Satan pursed his lips, "if he can't control it, he can be. But it is not him anymore who controls his body. It's a whole different Jeno."

"Are we just gonna hide here until Jeno arrives? These twigs are really annoying." Chenle pouts at.

Renjun rolled his eyes and flicked his forehead whilst Jisung answers him, "Satan will use his powers to catch Jeno and lock him up in his chambers as quickly as he can."

They hid there for a few more seconds until Joshua asks, "are you guys not getting any signals or something? It's been a while."

"I lost his scent, I swear I literally felt and smelled him getting near, but–" Jisung gets interrupted this time by Haechan, Karma was Ten's alibi.

The tanned male widened his eyes as he turns to them, "shit, he's inside."

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