✈︎ Chapter Two

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"What a lovely fu– freaking day it is today," a dark haired boy said fixing his halo and opening the windows of his small house letting in the loud sound of singing angels.

"Goddammit," the boy muttered annoyed once he heard the voices, "yo guys! Keep it down will you? I'm trying to enjoy my day here!" He yells out before shutting the windows closed.

He smirks when the group of angels just huffed at him flying away and went to another cloud island where they can sing in harmony without the dark haired boy around.

The boy went through his routine as he didn't bother cleaning up some of the messes around, not even his cloudy bed.

When he was about to step out, he glances at the calendar and groans seeing the date today. "Darn clean up day," he muttered to himself quietly especially at the swear word.

He then sighs and raises his hand before using his powers to clean the house up, he then looks around satisfied and heads out not forgetting his house keys.

The dark haired boy flutters his wings to fly around, not using his legs and feet even though he will just float on top of the clouds.

He passes by someone and grins, grabbing a handful piece of the small floating cloud nearby and transforming it into a ball as if like it's a snowball. Close enough right?

He then aims at a certain person who was on his house porch reading a book to which he got it from the library nearby.

Once he shot it, he stifles his laugh by biting his lip hard to not let out a single squeak even though the person's reaction was funny. "NA JAEMIN!"

Na Jaemin, the well known troublemaking angel in heaven. With his good handsome sharp looks and his muscular build for an angel, anyone that barely knew him wouldn't expect his true personality.

He was secretly mischievous, annoying, a charmer in a bad way to which he uses advantage of other people, cocky, confident and well– a prankster.

He was stubborn and the cause of other fellow angels' headaches. He was lazy, he requires a lot of patience to handle. Not many people have that especially when you've lived and known him for millenniums.

In short, Jaemin was a troublemaker in heaven. Supposed angel that had deceived thousands of people and creatures for a long time, and still counting.

He liked using his powers the most, even if it was really unnecessary and the situation was possible to achieve normally.

"Why can't I use my powers when God literally gave me them for me to use? Wouldn't it be useless and ungrateful then?" He would use as a tactic or an excuse when in trouble.

He uses his powers a lot if you couldn't tell by now, mostly for his ridiculous and troublesome acts. Pairing with said powers was his wings.

He loves his wings, he loves the glowy and pure white color look of it as it was big and also powerful.

He loves the feeling of flying, like he's free from everyone and everything. And he enjoys it even more when he's being chased after being caught.

The thrill was fascinating for him, adrenaline rushing through his whole body as he speeds up in the air trying to loose the people chasing him while he hides behind clouds before zooming away again.

Although he's been scolded many times since he earned a single braincell and knew how to flap his pair of white wings along with using his powers, he still wouldn't stop.

Now don't get me wrong, he's not a bad person. Probably a slight reason why he's still in heaven, but he's just– playful, in a way.

Basically, he just needs to be grounded or something. But even that wouldn't make him stop causing trouble.

"Good morning to you too Renjun," Jaemin greeted with a small smirk on his lips as he watches his fellow angel friend pats the cloud particles off of his clothes.

Renjun groans, "for you atleast, my morning was ruined and sacrificed for your own satisfaction." He grumbled closing his book.

"Thank you for that, so very kind of you Injun," the dark haired snickered fluttering his wings again to fly back up and follow his friend.

"Got hit again Renjun?" A brunet boy waiting at the door of the library said observing Jaemin's victorious smirk and Renjun's angry frown.

"No shit Joshua," the sulking boy spat landing his feet on the ground approaching their other friend, Joshua Hong.

"Don't talk to my boyfriend like that Huang," a voice said as another angel with bright blond hair plops down on the ground joining the small group of friends.

Renjun rolled his eyes at the newcomer, "what are you going to do huh Jeonghan? You won't do shit," he said still irritated.

Jeonghan chuckled lightly, used to the younger's attitude after knowing him for so long, "today is Chenle's shift in the library right?" He mentioned smirking as they head towards the door.

Renjun widens his eyes as Jaemin held him back by his powers secretly without anyone knowing while he snickers at the situation in hand.

"Wait don't–"

"Morning everyone!" Chenle beams at the group once they entered the small library, the bigger one was across the bridges in one of the small islands.

Joshua smiles back with his gums showing making his lover coo at him and kiss his cheek, "morning too Lele!" He greeted the younger.

Jeonghan then sets his arms on the desk ignoring Renjun's muffled whines from the thick cloud he made that was covering the boy's mouth when Joshua and Chenle were talking.

"Hey Chenle, I want to file a report this morning," he drawls sweetly as he fluttered his wings, accidentally blowing some papers away.

The younger raised a brow grabbing his notebook, "sure Han, who did a sin this morning?" He asked earning a wink from the elder.

"Renjun cussed twice," Jaemin blurts out laughing as he ignores the smacks he's receiving on his arm.

Chenle bursted out laughing too, "again?" He wheezed writing down Renjun's name on the yellow notebook.

"I was angry! Shut up!" The victimized boy said almost strangling Jeonghan if it weren't for Joshua's sudden hug to save his boyfriend and also to calm the younger down.

The five of them hang out for a bit in the small library enjoying each other's company until one of the head angels, Jaehyun, flies in the building.

"We have a meeting in a few minutes, it's urgent," he informs stopping the group of boys laughing loudly. He then sighs when he received curious looks instead of immediate responses and them obeying.

"It's about Jaemin."

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